Sorry I haven't posted anything for a long time .. the lazy bones settled in. : )
Luca turns two in 4 weeks but we have yet to plan anything for his birthday party. Guess it is time to start wrecking the brains.
Luca has learnt a lot over the past two months and settling well in his weekly one hour session at Zoophonics on Saturdays. Mummy has been accompanying him in school because Daddy didn't think he would do well in art and craft. Moreover, I thought it was good time together for the mother and son.
He is learning words, speaking in baby sentences and is able to sing songs like Twinkle Little Star, ABC Song and counting 1 to 13. Teaching him new stuff can be a lot of fun especially music.
A fan of Take That, May Day and a little X-Japan, this rascal of ours seem to be able to mouth the words of some songs from these groups and once awhile head banging if the tunes are heavier in beat. The voices of Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman and Celine Dion excites him too.
He has also been very active, climbing chairs, jumping on beds and sofas. I guess this is the phase where he will end up needing the existence of a first-aid box. I used to get very paranoid and afraid he will hurt himself however over time, I thought it'll be good for him to learn the hard way and painful way. Of course, no parents would want to see scars on their kids thus I do keep a look out for him whenever he is at risk however I try not to be overprotective in such situations.
Angry Birds has also been a favourite game of his and occasionally he manages to clear the stages with a stroke of luck.
I hope when he turns two, he will receive less strokes of the cane and learn to understand when my NOs will cause him trouble when defied. : )