Monday, September 17, 2007

Been away ...

Forgive me if you have been visiting my blog and disappointed that it has not been updated. Its not that I have given up on blogging but I have been away for a couple of days. Away from the computer that is and a little lazy to blog from the phone. As you know, the phone's keyboard is rather small and my thumbs are a little bigger than the keys on my Dopod.

Actually, I really went away, away to some unknown land where the mind wanders freely without much stress and provocative thoughts. A place where the mind and heart could unite and share refuge of peace and quietness. So where is this place I claim which sounds heavenly? Its in books.

I am currently reading two books, both from the same author Paulo Coelho - Manual of The Warrior of Light and The Alchemist. Both books write about the pursuit of dreams and how this boy removes all obstacles in his way while standing firm in attaining his dreams. Its a rather light hearted read and can be motivational at times. It reminds me of a book that a friend, Kassidy,from Canada sent me many years back - The Little Prince , written by Antoine de Saint Exupery.

A little of a fairy tale or a fable with a touch of a lesson learnt every chapter read. Realistic how the plot moves, I have learnt some of life's lessons humbly by reading the book. Lessons that you and I can learn by spending a little more time observing the people around us, looking at their actions and expressions.

Enough said about this two books, should you be interested to know more, you might want to visit the nearest bookstore or let me know and I will be more than happy to lend you for a week or so. Till you hear from me again next time ... am sure something good is going to happen tomorrow. Let me tell you more in my next blog .. so long and good night.

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