Recovering from an overflow of alcohol last night, I am typing this blog from my friend's apartment, where we had crazy fun and lots of laughter.
As usual, it was the same group of friends which consisted of 'Happy 6', a name I have created for this group of close friends - Hanwen, Lance, Clara, Monica , Sandy and yours truly. Not too sure if they 'permit' this name but doesn't matter what we are called, we will stay best friends forever.
So 'Happy 6' got together to celebrate Sandy's birthday, this time it kicked off with a Brazilian dinner followed with beer, wine, cheese, chips and of course a birthday cake. Thanks to Clara, its a Lychee Martini Cake. Great in taste but have to say, a massive amount of cream layered the cake.
We had lots of fun especially with the games we played. All started off with a game familiar with children, UNO. Many of us forgot the rules but along the way, we managed to grasp them. You know what happens to losers don't you? Consume - another word we use to replace the forbidden 'drink'.
So UNO bored us after awhile thus Clara and Sandy decided on another game. This is going to sound really silly but we did it and enjoyed it. We played blindfold catch, all in the boundaries of the living room. We removed all obstacles so that we would not end up with bruised legs and broken glass.
Monica started the game, blindfolded and reaching her hands out to touch any of the other five clowns laughing away and avoiding capture. I have to say it was great fun and all participants were pretty sporting in contributing to the game flow especially Hanwen, who always tries to avoid doing stupid things. Well, if I remembered clearly, he too had his fair share of being blindfolded at least twice. End of the game, everyone had their chance of being blindfolded.
Many of us agreed it became a total different world when we put on the towel and blindfolded ourselves. We felt helpless and vulnerable. We somehow understood how it is to be blind and not being able to see the world. I would urge everyone to try this game if you have a chance to, it brings in lots of childhood memories of playing catch and also, a lesson learnt to treasure those eyes we often take for granted.
The night somehow ended when Monica and Sandy decided to surrender and gave in to the ill effects of alcohol. Leaving Lance, Hanwen, Clara and myself. Surprisingly, Lance was not yet knocked out. He was usually the one who would turn in to sleep first but nevertheless, he did soon 10 minutes into the movie Evan Almighty on DVD. Lying on the floor, he drifted into dream mode. Oblivious of Morgan Freeman's God role in the movie.
Hanwen also decided to fall prey to sleep. He quietly sneaked into his bed and dozed off but unfortunately, Mrs Chan aka Clara wanted him to shower thus he dragged his feet right into the shower, leaving me with the terrifying Clara who kept topping up my glass with more Hoegaarden. As usual, she had evil intentions to make me drunk but of course, that never happens. She too, could not finish the red wine she so happily uncorked. Rephrase, she gave the instructions to Hanwen to uncork. She claims she does not know how to use the traditional corkscrew.
The night ended soon after Clara had her shower and then followed by mine. As usual, my mind was kind of wide awake after the shower and could not fall to sleep immediately. I looked back at what we did that evening and the heart smiled. I felt a sense of warmth and happiness, all thanks to the company of my beloved friends. We enjoyed, we laughed and we celebrated Sandy's 30th birthday. So tell me what's wrong with growing old especially when we are all going to grow old together with 'Happy 6'? I for one am sure that for all our future birthday celebrations, we will be celebrating together as 'Happy 6'. Who knows, we might have new joiners in the future - kids, wailing kids for the first few years, all thanks to Lance and Monica, Hanwen and Clara. I promise I will not be the bad influence and introduce alcohol to them and make it a substitute for milk.
1 comment:
waaaa.. me too having a gang here, we always spent all wekeend together in one of us'a apatment. it was cool ya, just like sibling :-D but we only 5!
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