Thursday, October 04, 2007

As Parents care ...

As parents, they often care much about their children's health and could lose sleep over this, always trying to find methods to help their child recover quicker.

I guess the secret about my 'not so healthy' state has found its way to my parents' ear and like all parents, they get overly reactive and worried. I guess its only natural.

I don't think it is anything that major to ring the alarm and make everyone worried. Don't get me wrong. I aren't suffering from anything deadly. Guess am only a little weak in the immune system and can catch virus quicker than the average Tom, Dick or Harry. Perhaps, I am a little unique in a special way.

Sandy too gets upset over my minor illnesses and often finds excuses to go on 'nag mode'. You guys know me. I dislike to be told things repeatedly. It can be annoying. Message received well and understood.

So you are still guessing what's wrong with me? I myself do not know what exactly is wrong. I do my fair share of exercise and maintain that diet. I have been cutting down on my food intake and have abstained from unhealthy food. Moreover, I take fresh juice at least four times a week before I go to bed and sleep before the midnight hour. Is that still not good enough?

I surely miss those fitter days of mine when I can play all types of sports and not tire easily. Guess its different now, am more into juggling of sorts - work stress, social commitments, family commitments and exercise commitments - the latest of all commitments I have to participate in so I can be healthier and fitter.

Dear parents, do not worry too much about my health. I will be all right. An uninvited guest when unattended will often leave through the same door. So let's look forward to the exciting days of laughter, cheers and joy in the coming months as we prepare the all important date of my life - my wedding. In the meantime as we look for venues for the celebration, we shall also be looking out for a place we call our home- a nest Sandy and I so longed to build.

Dear friends, do not invite me to unhealthy food or even try to offer me a can of beer, I will reject you and make you regret you even offered me 'poison'. So the next time you want to offer me something to eat or drink, you had better think whether it is good for me at all..... :)

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