On Saturday morning, I received an sms from Claire, a friend I have known for 5 years. This is going to be a little weird but nevertheless, our friendship is rather unique.
Claire is from Kuala Lumpur ( KL ) and we got to know each playing literati, an online game similar to Scrabble. She kicked my ass and that's how it all started. For five years, we kept in close contact, updating each other on our lives through email, MSN or once in awhile, SMS.
For you who might have been reading most of my posts, I wrote a simple poem about Claire, on how a game of words brought us together as friends. So anyway, Claire dropped me an SMS on Saturday morning, telling me she will be arriving in Singapore in a couple of hours. My ...! I got rather excited as I tried umpteen times to meet her in KL but failed to. What to do? She is a busy lady especially where work is concern, so said her boyfriend. ; )
So I cancelled some appointments in the afternoon so I could catch up with this 'virtual' friend of mine. We met at Vivo and had coffee, together with Sandy and her beau, Mr Jing Wong. We chatted about Singapore and Malaysia like we were both politicians and of course about our lives etc.
She told me she was looking for a Charles and Keith boutique as she wants to spend some tourism dollars in Singapore. It seems this popular local brand of ladies shoes is rather popular in Malaysia and its ironic because Singaporean girls always go to KL to buy VNC ( Vinci?),a Malaysian brand. I guess like what Jing said, the grass is always green on the other side.
We parted after about an hour and the half as she needed to proceed for a seafood dinner. Despite it being a short meeting, I enjoyed every moment of her company. It was kind of a pity I wasn't able to bring her around Singapore, showing her places I would normally show Sandy's cousins and friends when they visit. Perhaps the next time .... but before Claire visits me again, I am sure I will visit her in November, So Claire, a month's notice is surely better than half a day's notice. ; )
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