Saturday, September 06, 2008

Pathetic weekend...

Believe it or not I was forced under circumstances to head back home early on a Saturday night.

Its something I find very sad because Fridays and Saturdays mean hell of a lot to me. Sunday is obviously family day and thus Friday nights and Saturdays night should be spent out and not at home but but once again, I find myself stranded in the house with nothing much to do and I don't really think its home.

Is this what marriage life is about? Is it true that all the sparks people talk about really die off? Its sad to admit but it is. Forget about having a spicy side in marriage life, romantic talks or even simple dating like going to the movies. Its worst when you find a boring partner.

Nows its only boring stuff. You lead your own life, I lead my own. There is nothing else to do together and its painful. Very painful especially when you are caged in your own little room.

Can't believe that this is happening only after few months of marriage and it is pissing me off really.

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