For a long three minutes he cried and as parents we felt helpless that we could not do anything to let him feel better. We could not take the pain out of him. If only we could ...
He looked traumatized and perhaps learnt from this experience never to chase a fallen ball or look over edges because the outcome can be rather painful.
It took a while before he smiled and play again as we tried ways to pacify him. I felt really lousy all evening and surely will not want to experience that kind of pain again. It made me sore all over.
I guess that's the feeling of being parents. You just don't want them hurt and every cut they suffer in their lifetime will always be a scar with you. You seem to blame yourself for everything negative that happens. That's what great responsibilities parents carry.
Anyway, the little one is dancing to his music and what we'll have to do now is monitor him for the next 48 hours but am sure he is fine.
That's my Luca boy.

.... hideKraM on the go ....
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