Friday, February 11, 2011

Luca is spoilt ...!

I guess it is our fault that Luca is now spoilt and pampered.

Lately, he won't sleep on his own bed for long and in the middle of the night he will just wake up and call out to us to transfer him to our bed to sleep between us.

It can be torturing to have the little one in between us because he is quite a bad sleeper and once in a while he actually rests his legs on my tummy. Yes, it seems cute the first or second time but every night is surely frustrating.

What's worst is when he doesn't fall asleep again, he will give you a very nice smile with his eyes open big as if asking you to wake up and play with him. If we ignored him, he'll crawl to your face and slap you. Trust me, he is quite a strong chap and the slap hurts.

Recently, we decided to add in an extra item to soothe his nerves (as well as mine) and it worked really well. Just turn on the music and allow Hayley Westenra to do the job. He'll lie so still he won't even move and slowly drift into a deep sleep.

That little fella sure knows how to bully us ...

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