It surely was an unforgettable trip for us all as we did so many things we never did under usual circumstances. Believe it or not, we were on a midnight train to Mongkok for dessert one of the nights and that was awesome. Luca was fascinated with the ride and observed the many commuters around him.
Thankful for the relatives and friends who patiently played host to us and helped care for my little rascal ( whom everyone thinks he is an angel, this point resembles me a lot cause many others think I too am a nice boy when younger ... Ask my parents and they'll know how bad I was ).
One thing we were really glad was that Luca allowed everyone to carry him. Be it familiar or unfamiliar. He smiles at almost everyone. Just amazing how it'll be when he grows up. An extrovert perhaps.
Didn't do shopping this trip as it sure was inconvenient carrying the little one in crowded HK. What made it worse are the unfriendly street paths that won't tolerate strollers thus the most we did were to hangout at shopping malls.
Foodwise I managed to intake quite a lot of delicious stuff. From highend Teochew porridge to yummy steamboat. From fantastic roast goose to meaty oyster platters. Oh. Not forgetting the wagyu steak and Vietnamese food too. One word - awesome.
Let's hope we can get to visit again in 2012 when Luca gets to walk on his own the streets of Hong Kong.
Once again thanks all for the hospitality and for meeting up with Luca and Sandy.

.... hideKraM on the go ....
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