Sunday, July 17, 2011

A lousy dad ..

Frankly, I haven't really done much for my boy. Other than playing with him, reading books and teaching him how to appreciate music I have never really played the role of a father.

I don't bathe him. Don't change his diapers. Don't make milk nor feed him and worst, I don't even want to be alone with him.

OK. I'll let the cat out of the bag. Sandy has some work to do this evening and thus I have to spend the night with the little one.

It's not that I don't wish to be alone with him but it is because I am afraid I do not know his needs. I don't wish to get into that panicky mode whereby he cries and I feel stranded not knowing how to react.

Yes. That surely makes me a lousy dad.

Well, I have to be thankful that my parents are wiling to stay up late for their grandchild. Help put him in bed and make sure he falls asleep before I take over. Importantly, clean diapers.

Unfortunately shortly after they left, the rascal cried. I don't know for what reason but he cried and I had to carry him up. He cried for a short 30 seconds and that's because I shot a pacifier right into this mouth.

I shut him up. Placed him beside me and tried to pat him back to sleep. He tossed, turned and looked irritated. I didn't know what to do so I turned on the music for him hoping it'll do the trick. Well, it did but only for a short while.

So I decided to put a soft pillow over his head. Don't worry. I wasn't suffocating him. It's just that the glare from the television may be the cause of him being irritated. And now he is sleeping soundly beside me.

I can hear him snore.

So with what I have described above, will that categorize me as a lousy dad? Definitely.

I know of fathers who can do everything on their own without the help of their better half (except breast feed of course) and i have to say these fathers sure have my respect. You know who you are ... : )

Therefore those lucky wives who have capable husbands ... please do give lots of love and attention to your hubby and tell them how wonderful they have been because if they behaved like me .. your hair will turn white faster.

Just take a look at Sandy.

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