Monday, November 19, 2007

Decision made...

Something has been bugging me in the back of my mind for the past few days and it was only today that I finally acted on it. I am not too sure if its the right thing to do but I guess a little gamble won't really hurt.

This morning I submitted my resignation,it was only after many careful thoughts and many provoking questions before I made this decision. It wasn't a rash decision. It was calculated but of course, we all know even the best economists make mistakes in predictions and who can blame me in the future if its a wrong turn I made.

During this tough process of thinking whether to go or not to go, many scenarios played out in my mind. I won't share too much of those scenarios as it isn't very interesting however, I realised something very interesting. Men are afraid of uncertainties. Ladies, when I say 'men', I meant human beings so don't mistake me as a sexist.

The word 'uncertainty' which is normally defined as 'a condition of being in doubt', is often men's unwanted guest. Noone likes to not 'know the unknown' nor does anyone like to 'know only the knowns and forget the unknowns'. Its getting a little complicated here so let's just stick to something simpler. Men want to know everything. Everything that works for him and everything that works against him. This way, men are able to calculate risks and weigh them before making a decision.

I did all these to find out if things are going to work out well for me in my next position but never was I able to calculate. There are too many 'unknowns'. For example, colleagues, work culture etc. These are things I do not know until I finally step in at the office and work. Without start work, I'll never know thus its not fair to have this put into consideration whether or not to accept the offer.

Nevertheless, there are other factors such as career growth, salary package and exposure to various challenges. I believe a learning curve is always important in any work as we do not want to stay stagnant and be facing mundane activities daily. This would bore me.

At my current employment, things are more than happy with fellow colleagues and I know I will miss them should I move on but emotional attachments should not be a factor in my decision making process. Anyway its often said that Singapore is only 'so big', so what's so difficult about catching up for coffee right? Thus this I have also taken this away from hindering my thought process.

The only factor that really helped me sort out my thinking was this- Where do I want to be in 3 - 5 years time. Answer was simple. Not where I am now thus the decision was made there and then. It was a simple question but yet, it provided huge change in my life, which I hope would be for the better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you and i are probably facing similar challenges. i submitted my letter last Friday. i'm glad i did it after months. and i'm sure you are certain of your move.

may the two of us find new heights to scale and do it well!