Monday, November 12, 2007

Don't scream or shout ...

I guess I am a person who enjoys harmony, serenity and surely a peaceful loving person. I do not like to engage in wars of any kind, office politics and anything that hurts the brittle heart.

Many times I encounter situations whereby I am in the midst of doing something when someone shouts or screams out for me. I get really upset and disturbed by such acts. Why do people have to shout and scream their lungs out? Its not like I am living in some sort of 3 storey bungalow or a castle.

Sandy knows my character and temper yet she can be rather insensitive at times. She jolly well knows that when I am in the midst of doing things like reading, playing the piano and writing, I dislike being disturbed. It just destroys that train of thought, it just wipes out all ideas with a freaking scream. Hey, don't you relate this to my attention span ok? It does not equate.

I guess everyone has got their preferences on communicating. Some have to talk loud to make sure they are heard and others like me, soft like a mouse. This is probably the reason why this world is unique. Perhaps I just care too much for others around me, I do not wish to scare the wits out of them thus the softness.

Be forewarned that just because I am soft does not make me a sissy or a pushover, I have the courage to put you down but its only whether I choose to or not. Blessed with a patient personality, I can tolerate nonsense longer than the average person but there are surely days when I forget to bring patience with me in my wallet and when that happens .... good luck!

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