With all graciousness and sacrifice, Hanwen and Clara have both allowed us to use their new home as our party ground and let us thrash their new deco, turning it to an aftermath of war. Kidding.
Minus the santa hats, party poppers and a Christmas tree, everything went well for last night's party at Evelyn Residences, new home of Hanwen and Clara. What else can I say but the food was yummy especially the salad that Clara, Beatrice and Sandy made, sacrificing their time of almost three hours all for a salad.
Talking about efficiency and productivity, three hours is surely a long time for raw food. Nevertheless, thank you all for the preparation of food and poor Clara had to slice of a bit of her last finger to add on some special sauce for the yummy effect.
Food wasn't all the fun. There were the presence of heaps of alcohol,drinking games of roulette shots, snake and ladder and the prized Xbox 360 and of course not forgetting the company of nice people - Hanwen, Clara, Beatrice, Lance, Monica, Edwin and of course my love, Sandy. Oops, forgot the late comers Tsu Jung and Louisa too. ; )
I guess some of the games can be really vicious especially the roulette shots which made Sandy tipsy. I think the next time we'll have a party there, we shall just put that game aside just in case the same happens to me.
Oh, so it's Christmas and its a little surprising that all of us have decided to do without a gift exchange. I find it weird but I respect the decision made by the organising commitee which I believe was Clara and Sandy. What's more important than a gathering of friends and enjoying each other's company right? ; )
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and may next year's party be held at my place which I have yet to find but I know, it'll come soon ....
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