Monday, April 07, 2008

Its two months away ...

Our wedding is drawing closer and we are talking about 60 days away. As usual, nothing much done yet on our end. Well, afterall its going to be a casual get together with family and friends.

So what's outstandng?My.We have a long list of 'to-dos' to put in place. My clothes, my songs, the guest lists and the purchasing of wine as well as program for the day.

I have been telling friends to come dressed casually as I do not want to overdress myself. If I could, I would love to wear denim jeans on that so you know what to do.Come in your pyjamas. Sandy is unlikely to allow me to dress casual but let's see what I can do to convince her.

The day's program will kick off at 530am with a Chinese tradition of hair combing. An hour later, gate crash at Sandy's place will take place to escort the bride out of her home and to my parents' place. I have a feeling that there will be lots of funny games as we try to break in to snatch the bride and I will have to count on my section of six brothers to be present for the tortures.

Just for you to know, the following are my brothers - Weisheng, Junsheng, Hanwen, Jiaping, Edwin and Tsu Jungg. These guys will represent me in any games that is to be played. Afterall, I am the groom and I shouldn't be involved in being mocked at.

The line-up on the other side of the gate will be Clara, Louisa, Shio Cheng and Ellen. Four ladies versus six gentlemen. What do you think will be the result? :) No comments here.

So after all the home visits, we'll set off to Amara Sanctuary where the solemnization and lunch buffet will take place. There, its going to be fun, fun and more fun as that's where Sandy and I will greet the many guests attending the wedding lunch.

During lunch, we'll want to mingle around as much as possible. Afterall, the guests are here for us thus we'll take as much time to interact as possible. In the midst of lunch, we'll also do our tea ceremony which could take up an hour as we do have many relatives. :)

Once all is over, Sandy and I plan to just stay in the room and stay sober as we know we'll be tired after all the activities.Its also to escape a bunch of guests who carry thoughts of making us drunk. Looks like I have to send some hitmen to take them out first by making them drunk instead. So who can I count on I wonder as all of them seem likely to be defectors and will not pledge loyalty on that day.

Perhaps on that day,I shall declare alcohol free. :) Its a sacred day afterall. Yes, that's what am going to do. The best of all tactics is to retreat and retreat I shall.

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