Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hotspring in Hokkaido ...

I wasn`t able to update my blog for the past few days as I was in retreat mode in the mountains of Hokkaido, enjoying the weather as well as the hotspring made available by mother nature.
It was surprising to know that remote parts of Japan do not provide internet access to guests. I always thought this was the most advanced country in Asia.
Today is my second day in Sapporo, another city town in Hokkaido. We took a long drive between towns and thanks to the GPS provided in the car, it made finding places so much easier.
The evening before scared me a little as we drove up the mountains while the sun was about to set, the roads were winding and we were above the clouds which made the road a little less visible. We had to go slow and I was pretty sure everyone in the car was a little tense as we slowly climbed up and down the narrow and winding road. I too was a little scared when suddenly you find your car in the midst of fog and visibility was really low at some parts. Falling of the cliff surely wasn`t going to be anything funny.
Will try to update the blog more often now but to every one back home, don`t worry. We are all safe despite the numerous tremors thats shaking Japan.


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