Sunday, January 04, 2009

Worrying ...

I just recently read a book by the name of 'Why Worry!' by K Sri Dhammananda. It isn't exactly a religious book despite it being written by a Buddhist teacher but there was a very interesting metaphor he mentioned.

He mentioned something about people with lots of worries and paranoid by nature and these were people who made the lives of others unhappy especially those in the family.

I kind of felt that this was a rather true reflection and I have learnt that one should not worry too much or show others his worries. One should not be paranoid and instead of filling the head with negative thoughts, one should try to fill it joyous thoughts that influence others.

I guess I'll share more about my thoughts on the book in another posting as Sandy is now rushing me to get off the computer as she wants to use it to watch her DVD.

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