Saturday, July 25, 2009

Conscience ...

I only have 30 minutes to type this blog because that's what the battery meter indicates.

While I was driving earlier home from dinner with family, a word just popped into my head. Look, it's not like I robbed someone or did something bad but a scene from one of those Hong Kong drama series played back in my head's mini theatre.

Well, it was about cheats who go around doing what they are best at - cheat.

So what is cheating and how does it relate to conscience?

The word conscience as per defines it as :

the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action: to follow the dictates of conscience.

People like you and me likely probably grew up in very normal families who believed very much in ethics, principles and can very well tell between what is right or wrong.

But what if you grew up in harsh conditions whereby the family or your siblings needed to cheat in order to survive. Would you then know what is right and what is wrong because from the day you were born, everyone around you had to cheat to survive. You probably thought that was how the world revolved. So under such circumstances, can the word conscience ever fit into your life when you were never taught what's right from wrong?

How then can someone like that ever find conscience?

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