Friday, July 03, 2009

Lost and not yet found ...

It is quite a handful of stress when you realised that you have lost something and can't seem to find it.I guess at some point of time in our lives, we do get to experience this pathetic feeling of losing something precious and close to our hearts.

Let's not get into too much details about what I have lost or hopefully, misplaced because I deem the term 'misplaced' a better friend than 'lost'. Can you imagine the grave difference when you say ' I lost a friend.' Some might just think your friend died and made his or her way to heaven. In my lifetime, I think I lost 2 friends. Of course, my grand fathers are also lingering somewhere in heaven too.

It can be very frustrating when the things you misplaced don't seem to want to appear right in front of you despite how desperate you try calling out to it. Ok. I aren't talking about my dogs here but a gift from someone which I treasure lots but perhaps due to me being careless, I am afraid I won't be able to find it back again.

Life is weird isn't it? When it is around, you just take it for granted but when you realised that it's lost, the heart seems burdened with weight.

If this was meant to be a lesson to teach me to keep my things properly, I can tell you the grave consequences it'll lead to and surely a darn expensive lesson.

Now, wish me luck and hopefully I will find that piece of gemstone soonest and I'll be celebrating with champagne with a lighter heart.

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