Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A new journey awaits us ....

On 22nd September 2009, Sandy took a pregnancy test and guess what? We are parents-to-be.

When I got confirmation from the doctor, tears welled up. It was tears of joy. It was very emotional. It is a new beginning for us both and we are all very excited to welcome a new member to the family.

We don't know yet if it is a boy or a girl but for sure we will love him or her very much. Most importantly, I will teach him or her to sing our song and who knows, I might just write a song to celebrate this new journey we'll have together but for now, the song will go ....

"..... We'll teach our children to sing our song, we'll let them sing and let them carry on so they'll know how much I love you ...."

I believe I will be a good father and Sandy a very good mother. We will be mirror images of our own parents (godparents) and will do what we can to give our child the best in life. We will work hard and strive to provide lots of happiness, lots of laughter and most importanly, lots of love.

Very happy news indeed isn't it? Yahoo!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

contragz! mother n father soon to be... :D

take care sandy!