Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A dream I dreamt.

Last night I dreamt the life of a father.

I was in my late 30s and was preparing my boy for school. I can vaguely remember how the dream went but I enjoyed every bit of it.

It is something to look forward to. Children growing up and turning to adults but when they are all grown up you'll just want the clock to slow down so that you can spend more hours of your life with them.

Ironic isn't it? I bet my parents and godparents think it that way. If only time didn't fly so fast.

Frankly I do think that way. If only I didn't grow up that quickly but it is a journey we cannot avoid. It just has to happen for everyone on this planet. We grow old. Our children grow old and so will our family and parents.

It brings makes me tear to see how my grandparents age and soon we'll see our parents, godparents, favourite aunts and uncles age with wrinkles showing on their faces, greying hair between the little black ones left.

Growing old can be painful but it is important that as you grow older in age, your family partake the journey. To enjoy the happy times and treasure the meals together.

Am I also growing old in thinking that I need to mention such thoughts? Very much so because I want Luca to someday read what I have been thinking when he still hides in mummy's womb.

I now know how difficult is it to be a parent. The responsibility to provide the best for them and to make sure when they grow up they'll be able to fend themselves.

I now see the painstaking journey my dad and mum had to go through to see the three of us grow up. Never easy even as they are going to be grandparents soon. The worries and responsibilities remain the same because in their eyes we will always be children to them. Same goes for Luca next time thus there will be lots to worry about in time to come but let me take this journey with a great smile because Luca is a gift for me and gifts are always treasured forever.

.... hideKraM on the go ..

Location:Simei Rise,,Singapore

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