Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Christian, The Lion.

I recently stumbled upon a video on Youtube introduced by a friend and you won't believe how it moved me. I actually cried.

Yes, stop laughing. If by now you do not know that I am a very emotional person, please go away because you aren't my friend. Just kidding. : )

The clip is about a lion cub that was taken home by two men from Harrods in the late 1960s. After a few months, the cub grew bigger in size and needed more space. After all, a lion needs to be free in the wild thus they decided to free him in Africa with the help of a conservationist.

A year later after Christian was freed in Africa, the two men decided to visit Christian in his new habitat. It wasn't a zoo but it was in the vast wild, a lion's natural habitat.

Despite warnings that the lion might not recognise them, the two men went ahead to find their beloved pet.

Enough said, take a look at the video .....

So did you shed a tear and did the video move you?

Well, it taught me a number of lessons about life and how relationships built should never be taken for granted but rather treasured.

It also taught me that love is not only forgiving but many times, a painful sacrifice.

It also reminded me of the people whom I have met, made friends with but hardly have time to say 'hello'. Frankly, I make this mistake of not reaching out to old friends of mine and I know it is bad. Very bad.

So allow me to say hello to all my friends whom I haven't really contacted over the past many years ... and thinking back, I miss one dear friend of mine whom I have not contacted for a very long time - Timothy Gan.

And to others who haven't gotten in touch with me recently, please remember me. : )

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