Saturday, April 03, 2010

In my dreams.

Do you at times find yourself crying in your dreams and when you awake, your eyes are wet with tears and the pillow you sleep on is soaked?

I often do. I wonder why. Is it because I'm overly emotional or purely just sick in the head turning psycho. I guess I got to do a google search on this topic.

But relax. I also laugh loudly too. The emotional strings play either way. Well, the person sleeping beside me will have to get used to all these weird sounds that might just startle them in the middle of their sleep.

Hmm. Who else can it be beside me in bed right? Ever since marriage it has to be Sandy but maybe not. We'll see. ; )

I asked around recently on whether others have the same experience in their sleep but many said they never encountered such except for one.

Does that make me a weird and abnormal person? I don't know but I sure know I have a very sensitive emotional system which breaks down easily so be gentle on me and think before raising your voice at me because it could cause me to cry in my sleep. Ha ha.

.... hideKraM on the go ....

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