Since his umblical cord dropped off couple of days back, I now look forward to his developed tear ducts release of those first tears.
Well. Not that I am evil but having tears would mean he is growing well.
Just yesterday Sandy told me hid navel had trickles of blood. Ok. Exaggerated. Just a tiny drop and that sent me looking in the direction of google. To find out what's normal and what's not.
The anxiety of parents.
He slept well on our bed last night and woke up after three hours of sleep. For milk and a change of diaper.
As usual, mother would be the first to react while I try to turn a deaf ear to him wanting further attention but after awhile, I just had to wake up and make sure Luca is fine.
Our sleeping pattern has changed drastically and Sandy complains that I snore rather loud these days. I guess because I am tired. Physically that is.
I try to turn in as early as 10pm or whenever Luca manages to fall asleep into the night. You know why don't you? Because you never know when the sleep will be disrupted thus sleep is now a top priority.
I hope he grows up to be a gentleman and importantly a healthy and fit chap.
Not like his father who now looks as if fatigue has prevailed. ; )
Yes. I look terribly sleepy all the time but I am enjoying every bit of this journey - parenthood.

12 days old.... hideKraM on the go ....
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