Being a little short sighted, ok. I lied. Being really short sighted, I sometimes wear my spectacles to sleep so as to be able to react immediately when my little one spits milk or makes strange grunting noises at night.
At other times as I cradle Luca to sleep, I will sing to him songs I never knew. Songs and lyrics I created for him at the spur of the moment. Unfortunately, they get forgotten immediately.
Very often I speak to him as if he was a teenager, explaining to him the matters of life and what my thoughts are for him. Teaching him the art of life and funnily he grins in response perhaps telling me how silly I am because he understands nothing to what I am saying.
And hear this, this is by far the most unselfish thing I would say to him .... " When you grow up, love your mummy more than you would love me because she painstakingly brought you up by providing milk and nursing you but daddy did none of the above except to play, sing and basically entertain you."
Happy 1st Month little rascal ... The one who keeps me awake all night ever since we heard the news you were 'planted'. ; )

.... hideKraM on the go ....
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