I can only imagine that the fireworks display tonight which will light up the Singapore skyline be part of Luca's third month celebration. Dream on I say.
Luca hasn't successfully turned on his sides just yet but still trying very hard to do so and at times he gets so frustrated he'll yell if he can't get on the other side.
As a father, I try to give him a push so he'll end up on his tummy. He'll giggle as if he did it on his own. The innocence of a child.
His hair is growing a little, bit by bit. Of course, some parts still bald due to whatever cause it may be but it's normal I know.
His hands are loosening a bit and the palms are ready to accept gifts now as opposed to his previous clenched fist.
He often chokes on his saliva nowadays like an old man and we often laugh at his behaviour. As a result from the coughing, his eyes will turn wet with tears just like any adult would.
He salivate quite a bit and plays with bubbles in the mouth. I tell him not to as it is unhygienic but he does it anyway. Naughty fella he is.

.... hideKraM on the go ....
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