Sunday, October 02, 2011


Age seems to have caught up with me.

Just before the weekend started, I had to visit doctors for various issues.

It started with an aching back and a fever.

Four days have passed but the ache remains and any sudden movements will result in a sharp pain at some parts of the back.

An X-ray was done and glad to know bones are intact and still well aligned. Thus diagnosis is muscle strain.

On Saturday, the tummy ached causing me to visit the toilet more often. And the pain was as sharp as my aching back.

These two aches are perhaps the worst combination to have.

As I sit on my throne, the back hurts. And when am done and need to clean up after, I had a hard time bending over because of the pain in the back.

I can only say its terrible. I felt like a prank was played on me.

Tonight I will be trying some medical plasters for aches and pains. I think 6 big plasters should be enough to cover the affected areas.

Age is catching up. I never once used those plasters but I am left with no other choice now.

Maybe accupuncture next if the plasters combined with oral medication produces no effective result.

Sigh. I am only 28.

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