Monday, October 24, 2011

Five day fever ....

Last week marked Luca's longest fever. For five days, his fever which came on and off kept us all worried.

He usually recovers after three days but this time round it seems the virus hit him hard.

Both a blood test and urine test was done and tests revealed the presence of mycoplasma in the little fella. Apparently it is quite common to catch this bug - whatever it is.

What surprised me was when blood samples were taken from his arm as opposed to his feet like his infant days. This time, they drew blood from him just like how adults get blood drawn through a syringe.

I was perhaps more nervous than Luca was. He didn't know what was happening. I knew and I was tasked to hold him tight so he won't struggle.

As the needle was inserted through his thin skin, he did not react. He didn't cry. He didn't even move as if he knew the consequences of a broken needle.

When it was over, I felt relieved. The boy just didn't care nor did he feel the pain. Usually during his regular vaccinations, he would scream and cry for at least 30 seconds. This time no reaction.

A tough boy. Tougher than I am.

He is on his way to recovery and needs to complete ten days of antibiotics. Sad to say it is going to be a challenge feeding it. Perhaps it taste yucky. Unlike those he willingly took previously and sometimes ask for more of.

Rash has developed all over his body, hands, legs and even face but the doctor said all is well as long as it doesn't itch.

A case of fake German measles it seems and a normal reaction for toddlers his age after a long period of fever.

Hope he recovers quick.
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