Sunday, August 26, 2007

Birthdays ...

Its been a week of birthday celebrations for me this weekend. It all started off with Dick's birthday concert , Clara's surprise party and lastly grandma's 78th birthday lunch and dinner.

Not sure how you readers feel about birthdays, for me, its rather significant and important. Its 'the day' that marks the birth of a unique person in you, the very day your mother painstakingly pushed you out into this world after nine months of carrying a bulging stomach - an outcome of a father's seed.

I kind of turn emotional when I sing to the tune of the celebratory song 'Happy Birthday'. Thoughts that usually run in my mind is the number of years one has walked - simply, your age. Despite age being just another number, its also a measure of triumph when one gets to celebrate his or her birthday. Its everyone's wish to be able to live to see and celebrate this very day thus I am one who is thankful whenever I get to celebrate a birthday.

Frankly, how many of us know when its the last time one celebrates his or her birthday especially with the different kinds of threats we are surrounded with. From terrorism to bacteria, we never know when that time will ever come and hit us thus let us treasure all those birthday parties with our loved ones, something sweet to remember. So the next time you sing a birthday song with me, please try not to look into my eyes as I will feel a little embarrassed when that tear gets spotted and if you do spot it, please don't you even laugh.

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