Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dieting ..

Have you heard your female friends whine about how they require to diet and how much they feel about themselves being fat? How many of them really require to diet? Seriously, not many.

Could it be due to the many slimming advertisements that are shown on television and the magazines comparing the 'before' and 'after' effect? I personally feel that slimming down is not necessary unless the doctor specifically tells you so.

I believe very much that should one exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet, there is no need to diet. What's the fuss with dieting pills and eating less? I have this perception people who diet are not really happy people because they just feel something isn't right about themselves and thus they try really hard to change that figure from 'fat' to 'slim' or maybe 'sexy'.

Imagine the torture of going through the process of not being able to eat the food you like much. Chocolate, curry, ice cream etc. You just have that urge to gobble all the food you want but you have to refrain that inner appetite and fight off the temptations. I see no reason why anyone would like to get tortured this way.

I think its healthier to maintain that weight of yours than to let it get lost drastically. By the way, who says a woman is sexy only when she is slim? I guess a woman is sexy only when she portrays a positive personality and create lots of happy vibes therefore the next time you want to diet, ask yourself do you really need to shed those weight? If its for that man you love, kick his butt and tell him off. Which loving man would bear to see the lady he loves suffer from the simplest form of indulgence - eating to your heart's content.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your girlfriend is one very lucky girl! :-)