Friday, December 21, 2007

My first day ...

Finally, a new chapter in my life has just begun even before 2008 arrives. Not that I have been looking to seek something new and discard the old but once awhile, new challenges can help refresh one's mind as one tries to find bigger challenges.

My first day at work wasn't too bad and I have to say the colleagues were rather friendly. What's funny is I have a colleague within my department that shares the rather unique name Mark. My, how coincidental especially when this name is rather uncommmon.

I cannot help but turn my head whenever I hear the name being mentioned. Just not used to sharing the same name within a department. I think the last time I heard someone calling this name was when I have my weekly soccer at the cage. Yes, another chap there shares the same unique name I have. I guess the name is special in every sense.

I settled in quickly with some rather unfamiliar platform of email reading - Lotus Notes. I kind of thought this program was used during days when DOS were still an 'in' thing. Forgive me as I am not that type who's IT savvy and know my way around the many different platforms and programs to check and reply emails. Guess I have not much choice but to familiarize myself with Lotus Notes.

I was introduced to a number of people at work and as usual, its never easy to remember names instantly but I managed to scribble the names on a notepad and tried to organize my memory bank to fit all of them in. Bravo ...

My biggest worry I have right now at work is adapting to the quiet environment where people hardly talk or laugh. Maybe because most of the workforce are out celebrating the festive season thus the noiseless backgrounds nevertheless, I am determined to spread my joy and happiness at my new workplace just like I managed to do so at Maersk. Am sure I am being missed now at Maersk. ; )

Life moves on. New bosses, new clients. Everything starts anew. Unfamiliar names will turn familiar, new processes will become old processes. All these can only happen after some time and I am sure a time will come whereby I will be almost perfect at what I do.

So wish me well at my new job at Pricoa Relocation and may I find happiness and job satisfaction. ; )

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