Monday, December 17, 2007

Present wrapping ...

So its the time for gift exchanges, surprises and whole loads of fun during this festive season. A friendly reminder from your neighbourhood police post - Drink don't drive, drive don't drink. Be merry but don't be sorry.

This time of the year sees more trees being chopped down for the use of wrapping papers or at least, that's what I think. Can you imagine all the paper that is used on the many presents we open during Christmas? Terrible isn't it? I believe there are a certain percentage of wrapping papers that are made of recycled paper so please use those or if not, newspapers can make innovative wraps too.

I cannot remember when was the last time I had to wrap a present. Firstly, I was never good with craft work. Give me wrapping paper and I can only do a lousy job by placing all the ends together and tapping it, hoping it'll not fall apart. Believe it or not, I cannot even us the scissors to cut a paper straight.

Thankfully at all department stores, a wrapping counter is available but the queue can be really long. Sometimes, a half an hour wait might be required for your turn to present the gift for wrapping and if time isn't on your side, perhaps you can do what I always do - bring it home and force someone to wrap it for you. As usual, Sandy is the only one around who has the gift of the craft - present wrapping. ; )

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