Sunday, March 30, 2008

St James Powerhouse - Dragonfly

On Saturday evening, we visited Dragonfly for a drinking and dancing session. As usual, it was with Hanwen and Clara and obviously pregnant Monica and Lance weren't there.Afterall it wasn't a healthy activity.Loud music and alcohol just don't appeal to the two of them.

We were at Dragonfly for a mission - to finish the Hennesy bottle which I opened two months back but it seemed more to that single bottle as at the end of the night we had three bottles for just the four of us. Now you can guess who got intoxicated. Surely not me. :)

It was a fun filled night and we all agreed we should do this sort of outing once in awhile. It helped loosen some muscles and reduced stress. What's best was we made new friends and it was a rather heart warming encounter.Perhaps this is what people call fate.

We got to know two couples, Tan Bian and Jackson together with their wives. I guess they are in their late thirties. Didn't ask much as I didn't want to intrude into their personal details and looking like a busybody.

What's really cool was that Jackson's wife was expecting and the baby's to be due within two weeks. Interesting isn't it how a pregnant lady takes time to even enjoy an outing to a dance club with loud music.

Anyway, we got along well and have gotten each other's contact and I believe that night surely wouldn't be the last time I'll see them.Afterall, there was some sort of affection I felt for them or maybe, am just a person who treasures friendship and love making friends.

What's best was that they told me we reminded them of their younger days and that's likely what sparked it all.They were once like us - party animals. And now, they are proud parents.Ten years down the road, we'll likely experience the same thing as we see the next generation party and hopefully, people then would be as friendly.

warm regards,
Mark Chong

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