Times flies really quickly. In just one month, Sandy and I will be married.
Its been a long walk together, going through many squabbles and arguments but we are still one. One heart, one big love.
Wedding invitations are on the way out to relatives and friends. Did you get yours? If not, be patient. Oh, unless you are the group coming from Hong Kong. ; )
Seriously, Sandy and I didn't do much planning for this big day. Its not going to be fanciful. Its just a party for us all, just like how friends get together at each other's homes. This is exactly the same, only that my 'living room' will be able to accommodate more than 200 guests.
Let's not expect too much from both of us. We'll mingle, we'll play and we'll cheer. That's the only reason why we are all coming together on 7 June 2008.
A little anxious over this big day but am certainly hoping 7 June 2008 will not pass me by quickly as I want to enjoy every minute, every hour and feel what's going on inside me. I am not going to rush. I'll just try to capture every moment I can with my bride Sandy and of course, everyone present.
Its a pity some friends cannot make it due to various reasons. Work, health etc. But all have sent me well wishes. Everyone of them have.
I tried visualizing myself in clothes I am to wear on that day. I see myself walking around, clowning around and taking pictures. I am who I am even on that day so forgive me for my jokes and funny acts.
Right now I am still thinking if I should perform on that day. If I should play the piano at all. See, few months back I performed and my best friend's wedding and I realised noone was listening, no one paid attention and I am really afraid of that as I didn't want to be any other lounge piano player. OK, excuses and more excuses.
I shall stop here and not say anything more. Let whatever is going to happen on that be a surprise for you and me so don't try to pry open this golden mouth of mine. It'll stay shut.
So in 30 days, I'll be the groom and Sandy my bride. In 30 days, I'll be a grandfather and she'll be a grandmother. Sweet and nice isn't it?