Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Finally we made it ...

The idea has been lingering around for a long time but we never ventured nor explored but just on Saturday, we decided to commit to a place we found in Simei.

Not a very big apartment but it is enough for the two of us to live in and of course there is still room for the occasional visitors who want to sleep over in the guest room.

I have to say it was almost love at first sight with the apartment at Melville Park and don't get me wrong, it wasn't because the development was pink that finalized the decision. It was the 'feel' of the house. We just felt good in the apartment upon stepping in.

For 89 square metres, we need not spend the whole weekend cleaning up the place thus it will be much easier to maintain.

The apartment will be handed over in January 2009 and it is likely I won't get to move in until later on unless the seller decides to let me have it in December 2008 but I doubt it as I understand it is currently tenanted to a lady artist.

Sandy and I have decided to keep the apartment simple and likely will not go for much renovation works unless there really is a need to. Maybe just the basics like wardrobes and cabinets but other than that, don't think we'll need it.

I sure am looking forward to this new phase of life where Sandy and I can have our own love nest. Something I have been waiting for many years and it is only now that I take the courage to make this investment possible.

We'll now be making use of weekends to look around for furniture and home appliances. The list doesn't seem long for now and like I said, we'll try to keep it as simple as possible. A simple home would allow us simple chores and who will be doing the chores will be the next big question but I seriously look forward to contributing even though I know I suck at such jobs.

Whatever it is going to take, we finally made it with the first step.


Stanley said...

wow congrats on becoming an Eastie soon :p

Unknown said...

Congrats! This is a special moment. Cherish it ! Your friend Ashok from India :)