I read in the papers recently that any person caught sleeping on the bench at a park can be smacked a fine. This is really surprising especially when I ever took a quick nap at East Coast Park.
Sometimes it is really weird how our government comes up with such strict rules and regulations. Littering, jay walking and speeding are quite the norms when it comes to fines and court summons but sleeping on a park's bench can result in a hefty fine sounds pretty weird.
It is not wrong to say that benches are meant to be sat on and not to be slept on but what harm can it do if one decides to take a quick nap during office hours at the park just below the office? As you can see in the photo, even the Japanese take naps in their office attire and it just seems so normal in a busy park. Don't you think the government should allow a little more freedom to what we can do in parks?
So remember, don't you get caught dozing off on a bench if not, you'll end up paying more than a night's stay in a 4 star hotel. : )
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