Friday, May 29, 2009

A game of survivor?



After bowling with Geoffrey and Beatrice last night, Sandy and I were approached by another couple.


First they took out a stack of serviettes and asked if I would like to learn how to make a rose using a piece of serviette. Frankly, I wasn't interested but I obliged because they seemed pretty sincere.


So the guy ( Ryan )  showed us how to do it with trembling fingers. His fingers were practically shivering. In the midst of his demonstration, I asked the girl ( Sharon ) what is this all about.


She stuttered and told us that they were part of a survivor game series in Singapore and that they will need to get down to the airport the next morning presenting to the game host a hundred Singapore dollars. They also told me that they were hungry and haven't had their dinner and have no place to sleep tonight because this was all part of the guidelines laid out by the organizer.


Was I convinced? Frankly, no but Sandy and I played Mr and Mrs Smith. Kidding. Mr and Mrs Nice Guys.


Ryan completed his origami and Sharon went on to explain the situation further and asked if we could contribute some money to them. As you know me, I would have said yes and even though I am so broke, I had thoughts of parting 20 bucks just for them. OK, I have a soft spot. You know it don't you.


Sandy suggested buying them dinner instead so we told them to join us at MacDonald's since I had intentions to grab a sundae. We asked if they wanted a full meal and they told me they'll rather have some cash but Sandy refused and ordered two McChicken burgers for them instead. They had no choice but to thank us before walking away looking disappointed.


Is this all a scam? Yes. We knew it was a scam but we didn't want to take the risk just in case these two chaps really got hungry but that's all we can do for them because Sandy and I know how it feels like to be hungry with no food to eat. To us, we did something good but if these guys were out to cheat us, so be it.


They did wrong. We didn't.


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