Well, it is Grandma's birthday and by counting the candles on the cake, you sure can tell she is old but still very healthy and alert.

Besides the celebratory cake cutting, the other highlight of the night was the karaoke machine made available in the dining room.
It was the first time Gregory and I sang together after so many years. Ok. Karaoke wasn't popular in our younger days but the songs we picked sure were top hits that we grew up with.
We grew up listening to pretty similar songs and we even sang the song 'Friends' by Michael Smith. Gregory reminded me that the song was from the CD Mega Hits, a popular compilation of hit songs of the billboard charts.or was it cassette?
Frankly, the last song we sang together sure brought me lots of memories from our childhood. Beside the once in a blue moon fights, we had lots of fun together playing what kids played. Toys. Lego and Transformers.

Alicia and Jean joined in the karaoke session too. It was pure fun and they too are part of the family as they sang Anak.

After dinner, i brought my two brothers to Long Bar for a drink and my, they gulped their alcohol real quickly but as soon as they reached home, they went straight to bed. Was it the alcohol or were they just tired?

.... hideKraM on the go ....
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