Monday, April 12, 2010

Remember me...

I had a casual conversation with one of my girlfriends and we stumbled into a taboo topic. Death.

Quite a morbid thought but it happens to everyone anyway so why fear the taboo? Let's not go into details but perhaps you want to ask yourself - how do you want to be remembered?

For me, perhaps I want to be remembered by songs. My own compositions as well as some other songs I so often croon.

Yes. X-Japan and Leslie Cheung is sure a must to remember me.

So after one passes on, how long would it take for that person to be forgotten? I asked myself if I think about relatives and friends who passed away and yes, I do.

What this girlfriend of mine said is true. It will be remembered forever as long as the memory remains functional.

So when it is my turn to go, will you remember me for the good and bad things I left impressions on you?

Importantly, please remember me and my favourite songs.

.... hideKraM on the go ....

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