Monday, April 19, 2010

In less than 30 days ...

 ... Luca Chong will join the family and like his name, he'll bring more than light to us.
It has been a very exciting time from the day we learnt about Sandy's pregnancy to buying all the baby products we need. I guess we are very much prepared for Junior Mark to pop anytime but of course, the later the better as Luca will need lots of nutrition through mummy.
I really wonder who he'll look like but I hope he will have a pleasant personality. But I believe in his younger days, he'll be a rebel just like I was when I was a kid. I guess it is going to be pay back time for when I was younger, I often talked back at my parents and never really allowed things done their way because my way was the best. Haha.
Let's face it. We don't know what kind of parents we'll be too. Who knows I might just spare the rod and spoil the child or perhaps spoil the rod and spare the child. ; )
It doesn't matter how we'll bring Luca up because we will do what we can to provide him the best childhood and the best learning experiences in life.
We will give him all we can and make sure he is comfortable.
Luca, we look forward to meeting you soon but I am sure it won't be that soon because I aren't going to complete reading the Little Prince just yet so stay in your wet hideout and wait till the book is complete. : )  

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