I guess family support under all circumstances is very important as it keeps sanity balance in check and it gives us as newly awarded parents breathing time away from the bizarre environment.
Yes. Parenting is bizarre cause you tend to care too much for the kid and sometimes neglect the people around. Ask me. I know.
Sandy, Luca and I are blessed to have family members who play an important role in the upbringing of the kid. To tend to him when he cries and feed him when he's hungry.
A whole lot of concerned folks at home who can't hold back their love for the kid - The rascal's grandparents, godgrandparents, great grand mothers, uncles and aunts.
Along the way, I know he will be spoilt by the folks around. Rocking, shaking, patting, toys, outings etc just to pacify him. Ask me, I too was spoilt. Or am spoilt.
I guess I am a little more strict in terms of pacifying him because of the result of me. Know what I mean? I believe very much in the Pepsi ad - Ask for more.
Children get accustomed and conditioned by such acts of 'kindness' but the cruelty of such treatment won't spare us as parents who sleep at night with the child.
We are expected to show the same 'kindness' to them in the middle of the night but guess what? We can't catch up. That sure is one tiring process of not one night but many more nights because the rascal will surely ask for more of patting, rocking, carrying etc.
My. So many to spoil the rascal thus I have to play the bad fella to keep everything balanced. Frankly I too would love to spoil him but too many 'spoilers' will only create a brat.

.... hideKraM on the go ....
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