I prefer a serene environment and the occasional laughter from children is pleasant to my ear. I love to hear them laugh. The age of innocence. Yes. I know I have to get used to it but not yet.
He cries more nowadays to attract attention and when you bend over to carry him up, you'll see that grin on his face. Giggling softly.
Children surely know how to get things they want and they are very good at manipulating even at a young age of 3 months. And best - they know what we want. Adults sometimes don't even know what they want. You agree I believe.
Looks like a little disciplining would need to be carried out here. Sandy and I have concluded that we will monitor his behaviour when he cries and let him wail at the top of his voice if we find his demands too extreme.
Rest assured that we will that only under a few circumstances.
1) we check his diapers are well
2) we check his clothes are in shape
3) his body temperature and the surrounding is cool
4) we make sure it's not feeding time ( sounds like we are in a zoo)
If all the above is in order, the little rascal will be left alone to cry. Many times we know the reason for his naughty behaviour. He wants to sleep. Especially so after his milk ...
But we do not want to spoil him by rocking him or coaxing him to sleep. It is tough to do that. It tires the parents out and it is a very bad habit. Anyway they all say crying helps develop the lungs. ; )
As I type this from my throne, the boy is crying. Perhaps for milk this time....
So you ask what do we do to have him sleep at night. Well, we just place him in his own cot and let him perform some hand stretching exercise. After a little while, he will just fall asleep on his own. No assistance required as he sleeps through the night for 8-9 hours.
Once awake, he will give you a bright smile when you greet him 'Good morning'.
Change his diapers, feed him and he will sleep in for another 3 hours.
That's his routine most of the rime. ; )

.... hideKraM on the go ....
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