Believing when time passes, one's destiny changes ... Always for the better only when you choose to believe ...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Singtel F1 spells trouble ...
I was expecting slow moving traffic when I headed towards town but not traffic that crawled millimetres every few minutes.I felt so frustrated that I wanted so much to just dump my car there and make my way on foot to the office.
The purpose of having the Singtel F1 in Singapore is to bring lots of excitement as well as help boost tourism in Singapore but its seems all these are done at the expense of office-goers like myself.
I understand that the roads are going to be closed for a week and its going to bring nothing but chaos on all roads leading towards the city centre where the pulse of business markets are situated and what's worst, we still have to pay for Electronic Road Pricing (ERP). Shouldn't the Land Transport Authority shut off all these ERPs at this time?
Perhaps they should consider having the IU fitted in the F1 cars and charge them accordingly for using the roads. Brilliant idea isn't it?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sandy turns 31 ...

It was a weekend of feasting as Sandy turns 31.
Old she may seem but can tell there is still a child-like behavior in her. This is perhaps what amuses me most. Naive. Simple.
We spent the weekends with close friends for lunches and dinners. Had lots of fun partying at Movida and Dragonfly. As age catches up on us, our drinks were slow. Only two bottles of vodka for two couples.
The birthday weekend ended with a romantic dinner by the poolside of Dolce Vita, at Mandarin Oriental. Just the two of us digging into some alfresco dining and admiring the full moon in the bright lit sky.
A surprise was thrown in by the friendly guys at Dolce Vita. They presented a cake to Sandy and of course, sang a birthday song too. My, she was really surprised.
I wish Sandy a world of happiness and never mind the age as its just another number. What's best is to stay young and happy and may OUR wishes come true together.
Brazilian martial arts ...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A dormitory in Serangoon Gardens ...
Are Singaporeans an ungrateful bunch of people or are they just pure insensitive? Let's just compare this two groups. When we say a foreigner, we tend to picture a person as an expatriate but when we mention a foreign laborer, the picture you see is always soiled shoes and lousy odor. Two contrasting worlds isn't it?
I am referring to the recent debate on whether or not a foreign workers' dormitory should appear in the housing estate at Serangoon Gardens.
It was mentioned in the papers that residents upon hearing such news quickly stepped up petitions and protested against the plan to house as many as a thousand foreign workers.
Why is there such a huge reaction from the public? I cannot really relate. It appears Singaporeans have this wrong perception that these foreign workers are dirty, rowdy and a huge threat to the people living in the area.
Let's think about it.
These workers pay a huge fee to leave the country in seek of better opportunities and many of them have families awaiting their return. All they want is a better life when they get home after a few years but Singaporeans see it differently.
Singaporeans tend to degrade this particular group of people who work really hard for their money. We have to remember it is them who build our homes, our schools, our roads and like every Singaporean, they also contribute to the growth of our society. Without them, who do you think is going to help make our country a better place? Do you think Singaporeans would do the job of laying bricks and working under the sun? I really doubt it.
Singaporeans feel that they are a threat to security but look who is a worst threat? Is it our long lost Singaporean terrorist Mas Selamat or the Bangladeshi worker painting the walls of your new home?
On the other hand, we have a group of foreigners who hold a white collar job. They often called expatriates. These groups of people usually do not need to pay high prices to come to Singapore but in turn they get paid higher salaries than any locals when working in Singapore. For this group, we respect them even though they take jobs from locals but to be frank, they do bring along experience with them and thus, they too contribute to our society positively.
But think again. Why are expatriates treated differently from our foreign laborers? They both work hard for their money. They are only worlds apart when it comes to living conditions and spending power so is that the reason why we look down on foreign laborers who sweat it out for us. Are Singaporeans really materialistic?
Instead of trying ways and means to ostracize these laborers, why not show that we appreciate their help in building Singapore. We as Singaporeans have been painting the wrong picture to the world, telling everyone how ungrateful Singaporeans are especially after the huge publicity we gathered when our table tennis association wanted to terminate the services of a returning coach that helped the nation win a silver medal during the Olympics. Not a good sign right?
So let these foreigner workers share our gardens just like we allow the expatriate community share our roads and stay together harmoniously as one. Frankly without either group, we wouldn't be the Singapore today. We'll be building our own homes, mixing our own cement and washing our own clothes.
An acting Prime Minister ...
I read an article about the besieged Thai Prime Minister who played host to two cooking programs aired on national television – Tasting & Grumbling and All Set at 6am.
Isn't it weird to see the head of a government hosting non-political TV shows and what's funny is he decided to do it for the cause of food.
I can hardly imagine our local ministers doing a cameo or even best, acting on our ever popular sitcom Phua Chu Kang. I wonder what role will each of them take on if given this opportunity.
I remember many years back, our former President, Mr Ong Teng Cheong played the piano on national television and that helped bring in a lot more donations.
If only Prime Minister Samak did the same but he chose instead to get paid for playing host … if only he did it to help the less fortunate then he wouldn't find himself caught trying to play Survivor now or better, if he wasn't the Acting Prime Minister for fellow Thai exile Thaksin.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
late for work ...
down my back,soaking my pink shirt.
This morning instead of driving, I decided to commute by bus. Now I
agree that there are more passengers than before. The buses I took
just this morning tells a story.
The story goes ...
Taking a slow and easy walk to the bus stop , I saw this familiar
double deck bus from afar thus I thought it's better not to miss the
bus and end up waiting for the next one. Well, I used to ride on 196
everyday until i purchased a car.
So I quickly boarded the bus and found myself a seat. Smiling to
myself and thinking am really lucky to be seated on a crowded bus. So
I whipped out my phone and started messaging friends and dropping
morning greetings. That was when trouble started.
15 minutes later, I looked up and out the window and realized my bus
went off course from the original route that was to Shenton way. Damn!
Wrong bus.
Obvious lessons were taught.
1: don't rush up a bus but check the number before boarding.
2: when on the bus, look at our beautiful trees and plants and forget PSPs.
3: don't send morning greetings because your friends who are on the
bus might be sleeping and likely won't respond. Those who are driving
will be forced to commit a crime. (driving and using a mobile phone is
At 9am, am still on the bus. Frankly, I hardly get to work late and
thus am feeling anxious now.
Never mind. Its better late than never.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Pathetic weekend...
Its something I find very sad because Fridays and Saturdays mean hell of a lot to me. Sunday is obviously family day and thus Friday nights and Saturdays night should be spent out and not at home but but once again, I find myself stranded in the house with nothing much to do and I don't really think its home.
Is this what marriage life is about? Is it true that all the sparks people talk about really die off? Its sad to admit but it is. Forget about having a spicy side in marriage life, romantic talks or even simple dating like going to the movies. Its worst when you find a boring partner.
Nows its only boring stuff. You lead your own life, I lead my own. There is nothing else to do together and its painful. Very painful especially when you are caged in your own little room.
Can't believe that this is happening only after few months of marriage and it is pissing me off really.
Music rings in my ear ...
My. I have to say its really good because I heard it only once or twice but the darn melody stays in the head. The catchy tune and the interesting lyrics. Its just plainly amazing what music can do. It stains and stays.
Oh, not only music but words that strike like a cobra will stay too.
Right, let's not think too much and just allow the music to swallow me in.
Go hit the record store and grab Viva La Vida!
Its been a year but ...
The feelings are still sore and it still hurts but what can I do and what can I say or who can I blame but myself. Am just pure sensitive, overly sensitive sometimes but that's me.
I try to let it pass but it just won't. It just can't. Not now, not next year cause its surely going to be remembered forever even though I don't like remembering it.
MacDonald's Sausage Mcmuffin with Egg ...
Anyway, what I received wasn't anyting close to a Sausage Mcmuffin with egg burger, it was just an egg between two pieces of bread.The paper wrapping it indeed state its a Sausage Mcmuffin with egg burger but my beef patty was missing.
I decided to be brave and headed for the counter. I informed the manager of the missing piece and without asking a single question, he brought me a warm Sausage Mcmuffin with egg. So what happens to the burger with missing parts? He took it away and dumped it into the bin.
I started to wonder how much food MacDonalds discard in a day. Its wasteful isn't it? I was thinking instead of throwing it away, why not just return it to me since its not dirty or spoilt. I could have eaten an extra burger but having it thrown made me feel really guilty for having reported this mistake they made in giving me a burger less sausage patty.
Perhaps Macdonalds should re-align their policy and not waste food this way. If only I had known that it'll be thrown away, I wouldn't have asked for another burger but that's me - yet another Macdonald encounter.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Yet another company event .. bowling.
So I won my first ever medal in bowling and perhaps the only one.
Its been some time since I rolled a ball but strangely I realised the stance was still there. Only the stance.
It was another outing arranged by the company and this time, they decided to hit the lanes at East Coast Park.
Actually I enjoy bowling very much but sadly, the friends I hang out with dislike this recreation and you want to know why? Chipped finger nails. Yes, these ladies are afraid their expensive manicure will break. Anyway, I don't see manicure as an art nor a fashion. You know what they remind me of? Don't scold me but it reminds me of Thaipusam.
Back to the bowling game we had, three games in a roll and the fingers ached. Must be my age but the younger girls also felt the same thus its not the age. Its likely due to the lack of exercise but fortunately I did my fair share of exercise this week. Straight after bowling, my colleagues decided to sweat it out along the cycling tracks - I cycled while some others jogged.
These women really inspire me to run again and keep fit. They don't give up, they just carry on despite being tired and drained out. Can I do the same? I am sure I can do the same given my atheletic history.
Next week its cable skiing. That will be loads of fun trying to stay on the surface of the water. If it happens, you'll hear from me really soon.
For now, I'll keep this medal of mine as this is the only one I am going to keep as those I had from school have been disposed and I really regret doing so. How many more medals or trophies can I ever receive? Franky, none cause once again, my friends aren't into such. My friends only live the fine life and that's hitting the gym. Sandy does the same which is good but my best friend hates it thus my belly.