Believing when time passes, one's destiny changes ... Always for the better only when you choose to believe ...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Facebook ...
Anyhow, after all the publicity in our local newspaper, Straits Times, I decided to check out Facebook (established in 2004) especially when a friend, Tracy, from HK told me that most of our HK friends are residing in Facebook. By the way, Sandy has also joined, a real surprise thus I decided to ride with the wave and join in too.
As I explored further, I realised I do have some other friends who have joined the community on Facebook thus I have decided to put my 'heart and soul' by filling up the 'profiles'. I also tried loading a photo from my mobile via email and magically, it uploads almost instantly. Amazing tool it is.. it really updates what you are up to at that point of time. 'Live' feeds of your life .... at the click of a few buttons.
If by now, you are not a member of Facebook, you are not growing with technology - somewhat stagnant in life. Facebook is a rather simple yet colorful site which helps you very much to be in touch with your friends, sharing photos and sending 'pokes' or leaving a 'sticky note' with words of care and concern ... indeed a remarkable way to interact with friends overseas.
So before you are left behind by the pace of technology, click on and give it a try but don't you forget to add me on your friends' list ..
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Mid-autumn festival ...
I remember when I was much younger, I used to enjoy this festival of lights. I would be all excited in the morning and slowly grow impatient as night approaches. Once dinner is done, I would pester the maid to bring me out for the lantern parade.
Children of all ages will appear with their source of light, hand in hand with parents or grandparents, enjoying the moon lit sky. I would proudly walk around with my battery operated lantern and laugh at children whose lanterns get burnt because of the fact that they are using old fashion ones with candles. Mean I was.
Tonight as I drove home after working till 9, flashes of my childhood came about, bringing fond memories of the mid-autumn festival whereby our family would share mooncakes and pomelo. Mum remembers that I dislike mooncakes with the salted yolk thus offering me mooncakes filled with only lotus paste with melon seeds, yummy.
As we grow older, we often find ourselves fighting for time to finish our daily work and forgetting those little moments and traditions that we used to be so excited about when we were younger. Is it really the society that changed us or are we just losing our roots in tradition? As a Chinese, we should be celebrating every festival our forefathers have marked for us and not shun it aside thinking its lack of importance.
Its funny to know what I had for dinner tonight. Ham and bread. While many other Chinese families are feasting, I am only eating the simplest form of a meal. Something that sounds more suitable for breakfast and yet am having it for dinner. Well, it was my choice or rather, a forced choice as I had to finish work really late. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the meal but did not enjoy the fact that I never celebrated the mid-autumn festival tonight. I only let it passed and hope next year's festival can be spent with family. Perhaps, the governent should make it a holiday ....
Monday, September 24, 2007
Drama serials ...
I was first introduced to Korean drama about two years ago and the first serial I watched was no other than the well acclaimed Fullhouse. If by now you do not know anything about Fullhouse , or which megastar played the lead actor in this popular serial,I suggest you find yourself a musuem. By the way, this hunk shares the same name as my pet daughter. ; )
Drama serials in general are an addiction and can definitely turn you into a couch potato - one that does nothing but strain their already tired eyes staring at the screen, slowly trying to fit yourself into the role of the leading actor or actress as you begin feeling their emotions. Often, you find yourself in tears watching Korean drama.Its magical how the stories can twist and turn - starting as lovers, the slowly finds out that they are siblings sharing the same father.
Music play a very critical role in Korean drama or movies. I remembered watching Taegukgi or Brotherhood, starring Won Bin and Jang Dong Gun. Its a movie about the Korean war and how two brothers were conscripted to fight the war. Forget the story plot but I can remember how the music made me feel the pain the brothers were going through, how every note played by the orchestra pulled strings in my heart, causing tears to flow endlessly. Perhaps, I am just a sensitive guy or maybe, a cry baby.
The next time you think you are one tough guy, heartless and unmoving, try catching a Korean movie, it would somehow bring that softer side of you out.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A gambling affair ...
Shall not bore you with the details of how the game is played or how points are scored. In this house right now, there are 16 family members. This place has become a frequent hangout joint for the families as the young and old come together to enjoy an afternoon of family reunion - a weekly Sunday affair gambling.
Gambling can be an addiction if not handled properly but it can also be a useful tool to bring families together. All these years, we often come together, entertaining ourselves with a game of mahjong or gin rummy.Only a small wager and whoever wins or loses, it does not matter. What matters is fun and family interaction.
This game of luck and skill somehow allows me to interact better with my grandmothers and also to keep them company during lazy and boring Sundays. Seriously, what common topics can there be with grandmothers? Blogging or the latest political shift in the parties in Japan?
So a game of mahjong is the best way forward.Moreover, it is proven that a game of cards can ward off dementia in older people so why not? It'll bring laughter and joy to everyone at home and definitely better than a game of Monopoly but bear in mind, excessive or compulsive gambling is still the the hands of the devil - it still will tear families aparts.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A baby's birth ...
This article prompted me to think a little about one's life. How long can one sit and wait for things to happen? For this instance, an impatient baby wanting so much to come out of the womb to enjoy the gift of life. The baby boy had to fight with his mother for what he wanted, he fought so hard to win what he had longed for - birth.
His mother on the other hand had surely wanted to deliver the baby only in the comforting hands of doctors and nurses in a hospital and not anywhere else. I could just imagine the struggle the mother had with the baby. Both hearts were likely corresponding and pleading with each other. One needed more time so that she can be prepared while the other persisted in having his ways of coming into life.
Sometimes don't you think we lack the courage the baby had shown us? The baby did not sit in the womb and wait for the moment of birth but rather the baby fought his way out despite endless resistance from the mother,believing its not the right time just yet. I am sure the mother placed every effort to withstand the pressure from the baby but failed. The baby used all his might, strength and determination to get what he wanted - out.
In everyone of us, there is this hidden might, strength and determination. These elements are inborn. We carry them wherever we go, whatever we do or plan to do. Its only a question of how we unleash that desire within us. How we always try to subdue the inner strength - choosing to believe in only our limits of what we can do and not choosing to believe that there is so much more we can do- our might, strength and determination level is limitless.
Perhaps the next time you want to achieve something, think first of this baby and get inspired by his actions of might, strength and determination. We too can do it if we attempted to, if only we really want to but somehow theories are rather simply said (or written) . To do it takes a lot more but you and I should try anyhow.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Find it ...
Where do I stand and where do I go from here?
Can I pack my dreams and leave from where I stopped?
Can I just stand aside and allow time to just pass freely?
To walk away in despair, I show cowardice.
To merely take the blow and not take the fall, I show perseverance.
To lick the wounds and let it heal over time, I show patience.
To build my dreams all over again, I show strength.
This is what I'll choose to do ... to start all over again
Success ...
What's success if a journey wasn't rough but easily attained?
What's success if a drop of sweat was not required in the attempts to reach your goal?
Why then would one taste failure should all ways and means be used to achieve success?
Why then should one cry out loud if he has already done his best but still failed to achieve success?
I have not done any of the above and thus not worthy of success just yet.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Been away ...
Actually, I really went away, away to some unknown land where the mind wanders freely without much stress and provocative thoughts. A place where the mind and heart could unite and share refuge of peace and quietness. So where is this place I claim which sounds heavenly? Its in books.
I am currently reading two books, both from the same author Paulo Coelho - Manual of The Warrior of Light and The Alchemist. Both books write about the pursuit of dreams and how this boy removes all obstacles in his way while standing firm in attaining his dreams. Its a rather light hearted read and can be motivational at times. It reminds me of a book that a friend, Kassidy,from Canada sent me many years back - The Little Prince , written by Antoine de Saint Exupery.
A little of a fairy tale or a fable with a touch of a lesson learnt every chapter read. Realistic how the plot moves, I have learnt some of life's lessons humbly by reading the book. Lessons that you and I can learn by spending a little more time observing the people around us, looking at their actions and expressions.
Enough said about this two books, should you be interested to know more, you might want to visit the nearest bookstore or let me know and I will be more than happy to lend you for a week or so. Till you hear from me again next time ... am sure something good is going to happen tomorrow. Let me tell you more in my next blog .. so long and good night.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Just like the mind didn't get to rest
The breathing seemed harder
So was trying to fall asleep
This agony hiding inside him
Shivers with every toss and turn he makes
A voice that wants to shout out loud
Knows it would fall short of being heard
To silently fade into the state of rest
He quickly popped few pills and hoped that was the best
Each passing minute and hour
Proved to be a night of horror
The tormentor whips his acts like Satan
As the tortured wished he's died and gone to heaven
The time reads as 4am and counting
Its the second night of bleeding .........
Principles ... Values ... & Life ...
What are values?
What is the purpose of believing in them and stubbornly clinging on to them, making them a part of who you are when it causes destruction?
Why do we need such lines of separation?
Is there a need for them?
Will believing in such beliefs bring about happiness and harmony?
Should we not be like a blade of grass, bending when necessary or should we stand firm like the bamboo tree-sway it will not despite a strong gust of wind that comes charging by?
What's right and what's wrong and who's to judge?
Is it right to stand by ones principles and values if it meant others' tears and sorrow?
Would this not be known more as selfishness than any other positive beliefs in one's called principles and values?
What good would it be when others feel uncomfortable with your actions?
Will you not then be labelled a tyrant and want only your ways and not any other ways?
Life's journey is about creating joy in the world and not endlessly causing sorrow and pain.
Life's journey is not about one making a decision and having the others to stay and suffer as a result of that decision.
Life's journey becomes meaningful only when one decides to walk a mile in the other person's shoes and understand their world and viewpoint.
Life's journey is surely not imposing one's beliefs on others and expecting them to follow suit.
Life's journey is actually about making the wrong choices but to be able to later make again the correct choice after acknowledging that a wrong decision was indeed made.
Again,who then determine who's right and who's wrong....
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Feeling the heat ...
I for one know nothing about climate change or global warming but this for sure - I am experiencing this extremely uncomfortable situation in not having an air-conditioner working in my room.
Its a long story but this has somehow taught me a lesson, a bitter one and certainly hope this 'heat' issue is not going to drag on as a long one especially when the weekend is drawing near. I aren't going into details about how it all happened but this was what I learnt from this whole incident.
In life, we take a lot of things for granted, family and friends are surely one of those components that we take for granted but have you ever thought what would happen should someday, your household appliances fail you. Unlucky me, our air-con has broken down and tonight is going to be the second night without an air-con.
I cannot remember when on earth was the last time I actually slept without this
'air cooler', perhaps twenty years back when I was serving my National Service in some rural part of Singapore. Nothing in life really drives me nuts but this time, without the air-con, I feel frustrated and lost. I even pictured myself leaping out the window just wanting to die at the terrible heat I am facing. Even a fan blowing right at my face is not enough to cool me down, its just a different kind of temperature, a total different world I would say.
See, we all work hard at the office and when we reach home, we just want to pamper ourselves, lie in bed, read a book and feel nice under the sheets with nice and cool air filling the room. Sad to say, I cannot even do that.Its an enjoyment that I cannot even have after a hard day's work. Its causing an eruption of thoughts - anger and pure frustrations.
We took the air-con for granted. When it was working fine, we didn't even realised its existence and importance around us. We would just treat it as 'just another ritual' , placing a finger to the remote and 'beep', the air-con is activated. We do not even need to think, its just purely automatic. Now, its not working. No matter how hard I press on the remote, it just doesn't turn on. I just wish I could be somewhere else, in an air conditioned room but where can I really go? I am just a homeless person and yes, I meant it.
An alternative is the car, it has an air-con and can really cool the atmosphere inside. Frankly, I slept in the car this afternoon. I was just too tired to even drive due to the lack of sleep last night without the air-con. I actually parked my car one side just to nap a short while. Yes, its dangerous sleeping with the air-con on as it could cause carbon monoxide poisoning and I know the consequences but I just could not fight the weariness inside me. Anyway, the consequences of driving when one is fatigue is equally fatal as sleeping with the air-con on in the car.
Feeling this heat, I am at a lost on what is going to happen in the next few days. I know I am not going to sit here and just lose my opportunity of cool air and I for sure will find ways to get myself out of this pathetic state. I want my air-con back, at whatever costs it does not matter. This battle I am fighting is proving too costly for me and its could even cost me my life if this goes on. I don't think a sleepy driver would do any good to this situation especially when he is feeling the heat.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
That familiar face ...
I guess this scenario happens to each of us once in awhile. To see that old familiar face that could be a mischevious classmate seated just beside us, an ex-girlfriend that you broke up with or perhaps sometimes, a teacher that taught your most hated subject.
I sometimes face this dilemma of whether to stop and greet that person you once called friend or just walk on pretending not to see the person. Very often, I choose the latter. Its not that I am shy though I really am but its more like if this person would be able to recognise you.
How often do you come across a person who suddenly walks up to you and say ' Hi Mark, it's been a long time, how are you?' and at this instance, you strain your memory cells and make quick flashes of your life trying to put a name to this friendly face that just greeted you and very often, you just cannot remember his name. Bang! So how would you continue the conversation? It would be really embarrassing if you said ' Well, I am fine but I somehow cannot remember your name.' This will somehow smash the ego in the other person.
Let's face it, I am sure you must have faced this kind of awkward encounter and totally feel horrible that you cannot remember his name. So what do you do? You apologise and start feeling bad about forgetting his name or perhaps you cook up a story and explain saying you had a bad fall and some parts of your memory went missing. Kidding. Don't even think of this trick! It does not work, I have tried it but don't you ask me who the other person was, I won't tell ...
Perhaps you can casually ask for his email address and tell him you are going to organise a party and that you will write him an email informing him of the details. This way, you will somehow be able to get his name once more. Bet you never thought of this idea.
Uh-huh.So you thought you were brilliant. So what happens if his email was ''. Bang! Now you find yourself in thick smoke and a bit lost. At this point of time, you have two choices, to play on the bluff or to admit that you cannot remember his name.
For me, I would give him my mobile number and ask him to call me immediately so that I could keep his number in my phone book. After splitting up, I would then drop him a sms saying ' John, I have been waiting for you at the bus stop, please give me your exact location. I don't want to wait any longer. I am running late.'
Very often, in minutes, a reply will arrive in your inbox. 'Mark, I think you sent to the wrong person, this is Freddie but anyway, it was nice seeing you again. Keep in touch. '
Monday, September 10, 2007
CPIB ...
People of all walks of life would rather not hear from an officer from CPIB but this evening after dinner, I received a call from a lady officer from CPIB. Fret not, this lady officer was merely returning my call.
I had a question for her, a rather short and simple one. Below was our conversation :
Mark : I would like to find out if the following is considered a corrupt act. I am an employee of an MNC and I happen to get in contact very often with vendors and contractors of all sorts during my work, giving them jobs to do etc. Recently, I faced some problems with my air-con and I would require some expert's advice on this. Is it wrong for me to engage my company's contractors to assist?
Officer : That depends on the situation. I need more details.
Mark : My air-con is not working well and I decided to use one of my company's contractors to help me rectify the problem and enjoying the same price that my company enjoys. Is this legal?
Officer : Are you the boss of the company?
Mark : No, I am an employee.
Officer : If you paid for the service and merely required a professional service without asking or requesting for additional perks, it is not an offence.
Mark : So is it safe for me to proceed with getting them to rectify some problems I have with my air-con and paying them for it?
Officer : As long as you make payment for the service rendered, it is not wrong.
Of course, after finishing the conversation, I went 'thank you'. That's me, a courteous person.
You must be wondering why I made that call. Simple, I did not want to get into trouble with the law. You must be saying 'ya right!'. To tell you the truth, I was sort of provoked during dinner this evening regarding this topic. So who is this daring person who provoked me? Make a guess. A hint, I was having dinner with Sandy's family. You got it right! My future 'father-in-law'.
I know he cares about me and is rather concern about our well-being in this corrupt society. He always passes remarks about corruption and how he turned his back on bribes during his younger days as a clerk-of-works in Hong Kong and ending up slashed and left to bleed just outside a construction project. Till today, you can still see those scars left behind by that brutal attack on him. (The result of not being corrupt ) Kidding.
During dinner, he asked if I came in contact with vendors or contractors at work. I immediately knew the note he was about to sing so I nodded. He was driving at corruption once again but this time, it was closer to the heart. A little more personal as it involves my personal integrity.
Just recently he had some problems with the air-con insulation in his room and despite numerous emails and heated exchanges with the contractor who installed the air-con, they never came to terms and poor me, was assigned to write once more to them. (not that I have not been writing to them )I always dread going into confrontations of such. Knowing me, I am a real pushover when dealing with such issues therefore I told him that I would just engage and pay my company's contractors to finish the repairs.
Mr Shek, upright and always believing in the honest way - which is a good thing sometimes refuses to allow me to use my company's contractors. He feels it is a corrupt practice and that I would be put in a difficult spot or even behind bars for that. You know,I would just stubbornly keep quiet and nod on, agreeing to his every word and sentence but deep inside me, a rather uncomfortable feeling emerges.
Questions started to arise inside my heart, questions about my character, my integrity and pride. What have I done to be thought of this way? Surely he knows what kind of a person I am - timid and never wanting to cross the wrong side of the law. Perhaps he was just protective of us, afraid we will be swayed to the dark side of things and not knowing when we indeed crossed that thin line of what's right and what's wrong.
At least I now know that I am not in any bad light should I one day require the services of my company's contractors and that I can use them freely without fear of having CPIB knocking on my door.
Oops, did I use the word 'freely'? (pun intended)
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Fun is what matters ...

Recovering from an overflow of alcohol last night, I am typing this blog from my friend's apartment, where we had crazy fun and lots of laughter.
As usual, it was the same group of friends which consisted of 'Happy 6', a name I have created for this group of close friends - Hanwen, Lance, Clara, Monica , Sandy and yours truly. Not too sure if they 'permit' this name but doesn't matter what we are called, we will stay best friends forever.
So 'Happy 6' got together to celebrate Sandy's birthday, this time it kicked off with a Brazilian dinner followed with beer, wine, cheese, chips and of course a birthday cake. Thanks to Clara, its a Lychee Martini Cake. Great in taste but have to say, a massive amount of cream layered the cake.
We had lots of fun especially with the games we played. All started off with a game familiar with children, UNO. Many of us forgot the rules but along the way, we managed to grasp them. You know what happens to losers don't you? Consume - another word we use to replace the forbidden 'drink'.
So UNO bored us after awhile thus Clara and Sandy decided on another game. This is going to sound really silly but we did it and enjoyed it. We played blindfold catch, all in the boundaries of the living room. We removed all obstacles so that we would not end up with bruised legs and broken glass.
Monica started the game, blindfolded and reaching her hands out to touch any of the other five clowns laughing away and avoiding capture. I have to say it was great fun and all participants were pretty sporting in contributing to the game flow especially Hanwen, who always tries to avoid doing stupid things. Well, if I remembered clearly, he too had his fair share of being blindfolded at least twice. End of the game, everyone had their chance of being blindfolded.
Many of us agreed it became a total different world when we put on the towel and blindfolded ourselves. We felt helpless and vulnerable. We somehow understood how it is to be blind and not being able to see the world. I would urge everyone to try this game if you have a chance to, it brings in lots of childhood memories of playing catch and also, a lesson learnt to treasure those eyes we often take for granted.
The night somehow ended when Monica and Sandy decided to surrender and gave in to the ill effects of alcohol. Leaving Lance, Hanwen, Clara and myself. Surprisingly, Lance was not yet knocked out. He was usually the one who would turn in to sleep first but nevertheless, he did soon 10 minutes into the movie Evan Almighty on DVD. Lying on the floor, he drifted into dream mode. Oblivious of Morgan Freeman's God role in the movie.
Hanwen also decided to fall prey to sleep. He quietly sneaked into his bed and dozed off but unfortunately, Mrs Chan aka Clara wanted him to shower thus he dragged his feet right into the shower, leaving me with the terrifying Clara who kept topping up my glass with more Hoegaarden. As usual, she had evil intentions to make me drunk but of course, that never happens. She too, could not finish the red wine she so happily uncorked. Rephrase, she gave the instructions to Hanwen to uncork. She claims she does not know how to use the traditional corkscrew.
The night ended soon after Clara had her shower and then followed by mine. As usual, my mind was kind of wide awake after the shower and could not fall to sleep immediately. I looked back at what we did that evening and the heart smiled. I felt a sense of warmth and happiness, all thanks to the company of my beloved friends. We enjoyed, we laughed and we celebrated Sandy's 30th birthday. So tell me what's wrong with growing old especially when we are all going to grow old together with 'Happy 6'? I for one am sure that for all our future birthday celebrations, we will be celebrating together as 'Happy 6'. Who knows, we might have new joiners in the future - kids, wailing kids for the first few years, all thanks to Lance and Monica, Hanwen and Clara. I promise I will not be the bad influence and introduce alcohol to them and make it a substitute for milk.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Overeating ...

Its another one of those trips to a buffet dinner, this time round we visited York Hotel's White Rose Cafe where authentic Penang hawker fare can be found in the heart of Orchard Road.
Penang Laksa, Char Kway Teow, Rojak , Oyster omelettes and many more savoury dishes whipped out by famous hawkers flown in from the popular Malaysian town of Penang. Penang, a state in Malaysia popular for its food fare and Peranakan heritage is often visited not so much for its sight but for its local cuisines of various mixtures of Chinese, Malay and Indian flavours.
A long queue was spotted despite our early arrival at 6.30pm. Considering it rather early for a week day but nevertheless, Singaporeans hunger for a delicious meal after a hard day's work moreover, this Penang hawker fare happens only twice or three times a year. I guess its that deep longing feel that builds appetites in Singaporeans and make them hungry for more.
Scattered in various locations of the cafe, mini queues were formed. People patiently waited behind one another , courteous and friendly, a total contrast from my previous encounter at the Rendezvous hotel. I guess I have to applaud the hotel for preparing little notices telling people that each person was entitled to only 2 plates per queue, nothing more. This somehow assured patrons that there was enough to satisfy everyone with huge appetites.
I came across this unusual sign that read ' Like all great dishes, this popular treat is best savoured in moderation to avoid any discomfort after '. Marvellous, hotels are even taking that extra step in helping people curb weight problems and binge eating or was it a diplomatic reminder not to waste food.
I remembered when buffet was first introduced in Singapore I was only 8 years old. I had this tendency to take more than I could finish at and after the meal, I would place the unfinished food on a plate and sneaked it back into the buffet spread - an ugly sight indeed. As I grow older (and wiser) , I often take food in smaller portions and in moderation.
That sign might have saved a couple of lives especially for those who have the tendency to eat massive amounts of their favourite food and forget that overeating is an unhealthy habit. How often do we find ourselve rubbing our stomachs and complaining that we cannot move due to the overfilled tummy. Let's face it, it happens most of the time we enter a buffet. Perhaps its the mindset Singaporeans have that buffets are meant for filling the stomach and that we should skip all other meals prior to entering a buffet restaurant.
I guess such life saving signs like the one in the photo should be placed at the main entrance of every buffet outlet so that people can achieve two things :
1) not to waste food
2) watch that diet and not overeat
This way we can educate healthy living, healthy lifestyle in Singaporeans and bring down the percentage of obesity in our children. So the next time before you reach for that extra piece of beef steak, ask yourself if you have space for more in your stomach and not just fill that empty space on your plate.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Untitled ...
I was exposed to the different music made by various composers, from Beethoven to Dick Lee, Leslie Cheung to Yoshiki. Language was no barrier for the music I listened to as I focused on the music more than words and slowly crafting out the meaning by way of imagery in the mind, bit by bit with the help of the melody.
Recently I found myself staring blankly at my collection of CD albums I had stashed aside in my cupboard. I couldn't decide what to listen to, I couldn't find that music that the inner soul wanted to hear. I felt rather disappointed. The huge amount of money I had spent on these CDs yet they couldn't satisfy me. It could not soothe me anymore. I was so tempted to just throw them away.
I dug deeper into the stacks of CDs piled up and found my well-known collection of X-Japan still wrapped up in plastic packaging. To digress a little, the reason for them to be 'deeper' inside the cupboard was because I didn't want dust on them. Anyway, I decided to unwrap one of them and played it.A familiar melody brought nostalgic moments of younger days, days of rebellion and a search of identity to who I am and what exactly was I to do with my life as till today, I still have not found that direction.
Wake up call ...
So what happens in that 5 minutes of peace after the first alarm? The mind slowly wakes up to plan the day ahead and think of all the work that is waiting at the office. I always believed in taking some time to picture the day and try to make the best of it. Its only normal, who wishes to have a bad day at the office right? Of course, at times, the mind would wander straight to after office hours, picturing dinner with friends or that simple soccer game you'll have in the evening.
Often, I find my 5 minutes of personal time disrupted by noises of loud knocks on the door to wake Sandy up ( by her mother ) or the naughty Jack Russels barking. I guess I am a person who likes peace and never noise. I remembered when I was younger, I used to wake up to the sound of music as the hi-fi was also used as my alarm clock. Waking up to the sound of music always brightens my day but my current Bose system doesn't carry such a function thus no music to wake me up.
Yes, I know mobile phones have such functions and am already using it to wake myself up every morning. The sound ...? Barking of dogs. ; )
Monday, September 03, 2007
Lust ...
Lust, man's most hated enemy.
An enemy that invades, destroys and leaves only traces of damaged debris.
An enemy that does not subdue easily yet possible to control occasionally.
An enemy that when awaken, provokes and tempts you to self destruct.
An enemy that leaves families, hearts and relationships broken.
This is the result of lust - irreparable trust.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
BBQ Sting Ray ...
Another father painstakingly takes the daily routine of washing fruits, taking into every detail of pesticide on the fruit and making sure its cleansed thoroughly before he processes them to its liquid form - juice. He makes sure everyone gets a cup full for each member in the family. Another soft touch of a father's care.
Yet another father, godfather to be exact often whips up simple yet delicious home cooked food, food that he learnt from his younger days from his mother. From Penang laksa to chicken rice, crabs to sambal squid, you name it and he is more than willing to prepare them. Again, another soft touch of a father's care.
I feel rather blessed to have three fathers, a biological father, a father-in-law to be and last but not least, a godfather. These father figures will soon be featured in KraMfriends* soon so don't miss reading about the fathers who play a rather important role in my life and how they have impacted my growth from a child to an adult I am now.
*for those who have not visited KraMfriends,its another of my blog that features the friends and family around me.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Where has everyone else gone ...?

I find myself seated at Long Bar of Raffles Hotel, a hotel that has a rather long history since its opening in 1887 during colonial Singapore and the creator of the popular cocktail, Singapore Sling.
Thanks to technology, I am able to blog this right off my phone as the music from the 7-piece band perform right in front of me. Music shouting into my ears. As I sit and watch the other tables surrounding me, happy laughter and great company accompanied the patrons of this bar. All but me.
Its rather unusual to be alone on a Saturday night as I am usually in the warm comfort of either friends or family. Today, everyone else has got programs of their own except for yours truly.
In my previous blogs, I did mention that I do not like eating alone and if I had to, I would rather choose to forgo my meals, like I did for the past many days. What to do? Am too dependant on company of friends.
So what is it like to feel alone especially on a Saturday?I really don't know. Its a mix feeling.A little excited but a little skeptical if I can last even an hour in a bar that is filled with happy faces that I do not recognise. If only I were a little friendlier to the group of ladies next to my table, who knows I might just get lucky. Lucky to make a friend, whatwere yo thinking?
For tonight's company, I carry a book with me. Thinking I could read it but no, the lights here are too dim. I should have known, how could a bar have lights bright enough for reading. The book titled 'Like the flowing river' written by Paulo Coelho, a book expressing the author's thoughts and reflections. The exact same thing of what I am doing right now, thinking and reflecting what tonight will be without friends but only with strangers around me.
As the band plays to the familiar tune of 'Africa' by Toto, I drift my eyes away from the band and to the table right across. Three ladies smiling and posing as they take snapshots of one another, tourists I believe they are. Koreans perhaps. The nationality that has been in the news for the wrong reasons in Middle East.
So what would my life be without friends? Pathetic and lonely like what I am now. I kind of thought the music would somehow tame that lonesome feel from exploding but its not working especially to the song 'All night long'. Right. A rather long night before I pick Sandy from her Aaron Kwok concert in 2 hours.
Before I stepped into this bar, I actually dropped an sms to my buddy Hanwen, hinting to him l will be here listening in to the band alone. He's always nice to me and will always try and make time for me but I know its a little selfish on my part to take him away from spending time with his family and wife thus I never intended to rush him here or even get him to be here with me.
Can anyone be without friends at any point of time in their lives? Rephrase. Can anyone be without friends for a long period of time, say 1 week without meeting up? I for one can't be alone without friends for less than 24 hours, what worse way to torture me for a week. If this really happened, I am really sure I would have walked across the dance floor, right to the table of three ladies and introduced myself. I would have made a friend then. Ahh.... A fourth lady just joined the group and they are introducing themselves. Another friendship blossomed.
Life without strangers - a familiar tag line of apparel Giordano. How about ' connecting people' ? Nokia. See, even brands are pushing the importance of having friends. I remembered clearly when I was younger, my mother would always ask me to make friends with the other children at the playground. I did and I always thought I really had many friends so where have they all gone to tonight?
Frankly, I tried making a few appointments but was turned down so I decided to brave myself and stay alone and I did it for almost two hours now. I guess its the final minutes of my lonely night as I just received an sms from Hanwen saying he will be here in less than 10 minutes.I have to say its a really huge feat for me to stay alone for two hours especially on a Saturday night - the only night one really gets to enjoy himself without worrying of getting up late the next day.
My conclusion is this, friends play a very important part in our growth and social life and we must never take them for granted. If opportunity allows, make more friends, its never a bad thing to have many friends but it sure is a terrible feeling when you do not have friends to idle your day away or a friend to share those burdens you might carry with you. So should you ever want to make friends with the people across your table, go ahead, it's never wrong to make friends.
I shall now sit patiently and wait for someone in the crowd to approach lonely me seated beside the stage. So where are you Hanwen?
Will it end here ....?

It was the final day of the Radio Academy Course. Time flies when you learn things that interest you. You get to learn about what happens behind that familiar voice over the radio, the show preparation, the studio setting and most importantly, the fun that the DJ actually enjoys. How envious.
We heard our voices at class and had some pretty good comments about our show preparation, only that it wasn't so appropriate for radio -a theatre of the mind. You must be wondering why it wasn't appropriate, all because the topic of one of our talksets has got to do with the male organ between the legs. Taboo topic says our trainer, Dahlia Z.For me it was fine, the satisfaction of having the whole class laugh admirably on the crafting of the jokes and stories were enough to make our day. Even the guest DJ also found it wisely plotted. Great job we did, Za and Nora !
We were each given our own copies of our recording so if you want to listen to the talksets, perhaps you would like to buy me a nice meal before I let you into that dark world of mine. ; )