Believing when time passes, one's destiny changes ... Always for the better only when you choose to believe ...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Luca's Engagement ...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Killer ...
Monday, April 19, 2010
In less than 30 days ...
Monday, April 12, 2010
Remember me...
Quite a morbid thought but it happens to everyone anyway so why fear the taboo? Let's not go into details but perhaps you want to ask yourself - how do you want to be remembered?
For me, perhaps I want to be remembered by songs. My own compositions as well as some other songs I so often croon.
Yes. X-Japan and Leslie Cheung is sure a must to remember me.
So after one passes on, how long would it take for that person to be forgotten? I asked myself if I think about relatives and friends who passed away and yes, I do.
What this girlfriend of mine said is true. It will be remembered forever as long as the memory remains functional.
So when it is my turn to go, will you remember me for the good and bad things I left impressions on you?
Importantly, please remember me and my favourite songs.
.... hideKraM on the go ....
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Po Po.
Well, it is Grandma's birthday and by counting the candles on the cake, you sure can tell she is old but still very healthy and alert.

Besides the celebratory cake cutting, the other highlight of the night was the karaoke machine made available in the dining room.
It was the first time Gregory and I sang together after so many years. Ok. Karaoke wasn't popular in our younger days but the songs we picked sure were top hits that we grew up with.
We grew up listening to pretty similar songs and we even sang the song 'Friends' by Michael Smith. Gregory reminded me that the song was from the CD Mega Hits, a popular compilation of hit songs of the billboard charts.or was it cassette?
Frankly, the last song we sang together sure brought me lots of memories from our childhood. Beside the once in a blue moon fights, we had lots of fun together playing what kids played. Toys. Lego and Transformers.

Alicia and Jean joined in the karaoke session too. It was pure fun and they too are part of the family as they sang Anak.

After dinner, i brought my two brothers to Long Bar for a drink and my, they gulped their alcohol real quickly but as soon as they reached home, they went straight to bed. Was it the alcohol or were they just tired?

.... hideKraM on the go ....
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Pregnant versus Aged
Just yesterday while at dinner with a couple of friends, we discussed about the giving up of seats on public transport.
See. We have two pregnant ladies amongst us and they both have received the honor of having someone give up their seat for them while on a train or a bus.
Who says our society is lacking in courtesy and kindness that requires expensive campaigns? Well, I am not actually going to talk about the campaigns and how it managed to help our society by turning it into a gracious community in Singapore.
Let me ask you a question.
Assuming you are seated comfortably on the train and a pregnant lady walks through the doors of the train with her hands on her hips. Behind her is a frail man aged 70 thereabouts who looks weak enough to fall off when the train departs its station.
Given such a scenario, who will you give up your seat to? It is an open argument.
One friend said that he'll give it up for the pregnant lady because it'll benefit two lives rather than one. Another friend made a funny remark saying that it'll only benefit the mother because it didn't matter to the unborn child whether or not he was seated.
As for me, I think I would give up the seat for the old man. I don't know why but I thought it'll be better for the old man to sit. Don't ask me for the reason because if I said it, I am sure many people will start shooting at me.
So what's your take? If at all possible, turn to the next person and ask him or her to also give up the seat so that both the old and the pregnant can have their priority seats. : )
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
A year on ... it's getting better.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
If ...
Saturday, April 03, 2010
In my dreams.
I often do. I wonder why. Is it because I'm overly emotional or purely just sick in the head turning psycho. I guess I got to do a google search on this topic.
But relax. I also laugh loudly too. The emotional strings play either way. Well, the person sleeping beside me will have to get used to all these weird sounds that might just startle them in the middle of their sleep.
Hmm. Who else can it be beside me in bed right? Ever since marriage it has to be Sandy but maybe not. We'll see. ; )
I asked around recently on whether others have the same experience in their sleep but many said they never encountered such except for one.
Does that make me a weird and abnormal person? I don't know but I sure know I have a very sensitive emotional system which breaks down easily so be gentle on me and think before raising your voice at me because it could cause me to cry in my sleep. Ha ha.
.... hideKraM on the go ....
Friday, April 02, 2010
The weirdest call.
I was a little surprised with the request made. Why was this voice asking to speak to a family member of mine?
The voice went on claiming that he called from a funeral service company and he was instructed to arrange a casket for the deceased Mr Mark Chong who passed away earlier this morning.
I shivered. What the f&@k was this shit head saying?
I asked what's going on. I am very much alive and never died. At least not yet.
I clicked the end call button and hung up but he called again.
I passed on the phone to Mun and Mun screwed him upside down.
But he called again asking me if I wanted a wooden casket or something else.
I told him there was no need for a casket and whoever requested for it made a mistake. The male voice went on ' Are you serious? You are alive!'
I said yes and hung up again.
I was wondering if it was an April Fool's Day joke that came a day late. It sure was scary.
.... hideKraM on the go ....