Believing when time passes, one's destiny changes ... Always for the better only when you choose to believe ...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
The end of 2009 ...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas ... gone.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas ...!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Shopping.
So the festive season is round the corner and lots of people are doing their year-end shopping for presents and gifts. I have more or less completed mine except for maybe one or two persons which I have yet to purchase for.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
An Anniversary
In 2006, I surprised Sandy with a ring and most of my friends don't know this except for family because I proposed to her 3 years ago in a private function room, away from the crowd but in front of my parents, in-laws and godparents.
That was the official start of the journey of our lifetime minus the courting days.
Today she is expecting and we are all very excited. Yet another new journey for us.
Here I share the song Anniversary by Yoshiki written for Emperor Akihito of Japan.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
At the same time I do get weak in the knees just having the thought that I will be a father in half a year.
It can be a scary thought because things will change drastically. In terms of lifestyle, outings and even the simplest entertainment of watching a concert within my own four walls can be made difficult.
It is not easy to be a father let alone be a good one but I will try.
A friend dropped me a comment on my Facebook asking me to enjoy my freedom now before losing it. Is it that dreadful whereby my freedom is compromised? I don't know but frankly I have seen friends who make it look so easy and some who just get frustrated whenever the child cries. I wonder which one will I be.
I always brag about leaving the baby to cry out loud and not pay to much attention to him but I know I am not that sort who can really put two earphones into the ears and pretend that the baby is asleep soundly.
I don't know if I will take time to change his diapers, make him milk, feed him and burp him or will I just be a father who would play with him when he is in the best of moods and return him to the mother when he ends up wailing at the top of his voice.
I can't tell now but time can and that will all start happening in May 2010 where my little prince will join the family. Prince. Nice name. :)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Oh Boy .... : )
It's a boy …At least that is what the doctor confirmed but I don't trust these machines especially when the little cute fella in mummy's womb refuses to spread out the legs and show the genitals. Shy like daddy. : )
I have been back in Singapore for a week now and have had my fair share of local food. From Assam fish head, Belachan beans, Prawn noodles, Minced Pork noodles, Chicken rice, Rocky's pizza (not local but I love it), Lontong, Fried Carrot cake, Oyster egg, Hainanese pork chop, Steamboat at Yet Con and my favourite Beef Noodles at Ion Orchard. Quite a feast isn't it? Come on! Not all in one day but in a week.
Frankly, I covered most of the local variety now and have only cravings for crabs, stingray, salted vegetable and duck soup, bak kut teh and some Japanese meal. Never will I get sick of Japanese meals just like I never get sick of X-Japan.
Sleeping on my own bed has been ecstatic and especially so when the music coming out from the sound system is heavenly.
I have been trying to make it a habit that Sandy sleeps with some light classical music in the background as I was told this would help the baby develop better. Anyone can comment on this? I can imagine baby Mark conducting the orchestra with his little fingers. No. Not middle fingers!
We have to come up with the baby's name soon and this is going to be a tough one for us. We'll start off with the English name and after that sort out the Chinese characters when he pops out from mummy's womb.
All excited. Very excited.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Back in Singapore
Well, it was a huge surprise for family and friends alike. Sandy cried out tears of joy when she saw me just like the day she cried when I departed Singapore. I too cried out in joy but only in the heart as my plane landed safely on the tarmac of Changi Airport.
It is nice to be back home and I really enjoyed the feel of my bed, my pillow and even the toilet bowl. Unfortunately, I have not yet accustomed to the change in timezone. The body clock is sensitive to such as it took me almost 1 over week to sort it out when I first arrived in Bristol but I guess I'll be back to normal in no time.
The weather in Singapore is lovely and it isn't too hot. Just nice cool weather and of course with the help of air conditioning in the car and at home too. Without the a/c life is going to be miserable.
I will try to blog as often as possible and update you on the progress of my work and the baby too. : )
Visit once in awhile but don't do so daily as I don't want you disappointed. I was also wondering if I should carry on blogging about the food I eat here in Singapore. What do you think?
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Bristol Day 18

It is the weekend and TGIF!! Finally ......
Had a wonderful time tonight with dinner at a new place with a fire place. Is it called a fireplace? No idea if that is correct but it sure keep me not warm but hot. I had to take off my jacket and fleece and yet still find it hot.
Dinner was a 10oz rare steak that wasn't very fantastic. I still miss the Sunday roast. I wonder where I can get it around soon but never mind I enjoyed the company in the later part of the night at Adrian's pub.
This is going to be interesting and definitely worrying for my parents. I was practically hanging out ( well not hanging out but they were in the pub) with a group of guys who were on cannabis. It is sort of legal here and nothing much happens if one gets caught but of course me being a good person, I turned down the offer and walked away but not before asking permission to take a photo of the 'stuff'.
They told me they got happy smoking marijuana and it was very normal to be doing so in the UK. Interesting that they were both drinking and having cannabis at the same time. It must be double high isn't it?
I had a lot to drink tonight as Adrian treated me to a pint or two. I had 4 pints of rough cider and one Guinness. My head is spinning now but no choice as I decided to lend Angela my camera for the weekend. Boxing isn't anything big for me to take photos of. Right Adrian?
Met up with lots of familiar faces at the pub. We had Graham, Scott, Paul, Jodie and many others whom I cannot remember their names. Oh yes, Dylan too.
Can you see Adrian having a cereal for supper? We had a little clowning around with Boxing and Chinese kungfu. Well, I was like a freaking chicken trying to act like Bruce and his style. Funny isn't it? No. I wasn't high on cannabis but maybe intoxicated with alcohol.
I will meet Adrian tomorrow morning and then mid afternoon to make my long trip out to some exciting fun. Surely it is going to be exciting but don't worry because I am in good hands.
Looks like back home there are plans to have wanton, assam fish for dinner on Sunday. Wow. I can't wait to swallow them soon. And sure it is soon.
Lunch was filet-o-fish and some festive cheese pie.
Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue
A very meaningful song especially for me now. The feeling of going home is just so near and I just get all excited thinking about it. So many days away from home has made me really homesick. I will say months away rather than days.
The video is interesting and has a hidden message but I don't think you guys can understand it or catch it in the video.
See any similarity in Motley Crue and X-Japan? Wild I guess.
Enjoy the video and see if you catch the special code in the video. Interestingly if you hear it hard enough and focus your thoughts while watching, you'll know what the song is about. But if you don't, never mind as I took a long time to really understand and find the meaning to it.
It took me 16 years ... and thanks to Hanwen for buying me Motley's cassette tape at my 14th birthday.
Home Sweet Home
You Know I'm A Dreamer
But My Heart's Of Gold
I Had To Run Away High
So I Wouldn't Come Home Low
Just When Things Went Right
It Doesn't Mean They Were
Always Wrong
Just Take This Song And You'll
Never Feel
Left All Alone
Take Me To Your Heart
Feel Me In Your Bones
Just One More Night
And I'm Comin' Off This
Long & Winding Road
I'm On My Way
Well, I'm On My Way
Home Sweet Home
Tonight Tonight
I'm On My Way
I'm On My Way
Home Sweet Home
You Know That I Seem
To Make Romantic Dreams
Up In Lights, Fallin' Off
The Silver Screen
My Hearts Like An Open Book
For The Whole World To Read
Sometimes Nothing-
Keeps Me Together
At The Seams
I'm On My Way
Well, I'm On My Way
Home Sweet Home
Tonight Tonight
I'm On My Way
Just Set Me Free
Home Sweet Home
Friday, December 04, 2009
Bristol Day 19

Finally it is Friday tomorrow and I have never been so excited about a weekend before since I came to Bristol. I wonder why. Funny isn't it?
The weather tonight has been cold and I think I might need to buy another set of winter clothing because what I have now won't be able to last through mid December. Terrible isn't it? If only I could have steamboat, it'll warm me up lots.
Since steamboat is not available, what else can keep you warm? Lamb ribs. I had lamb ribs at Beefeater this evening and a pumpkin soup. Not too bad but surely not the best dish I have tried in Bristol. Frankly, I wonder which one can I consider the best meal I had. Let me recap and reveal it in another blog entry.
Angela had some pasta and crumble apple pie with ice cream. She seemed to enjoy it but the cheese in the pasta sure was filling because she couldn't finish the meal.
Lunch was fish and chips with Angela and Pina. Well, more than fish and chips because we ordered a battered sausage and a faggot. A faggot is some sort of mixed minced meat which didn't taste that fantastic. It was salty. The fish and chips weren't anything special too. Not traditional because it was owned, runned and cooked by Iranian. Everyone can make fish & chips thus it no longer is an English meal. Same goes for Japanese food in Bristol as most Japanese restaurants I know do not have a single Japanese chef. Talk about globalization at it's fullest.
After dinner I took some time to do some shopping again and got quite a bit of stuff. It is afterall the Christmas season and the mood for shopping was surely around thus I bought some things.Only some so please don't think I got you something because I likely didn't. :)
Headed to Adrian's pub after dinner and had a cider. I told him if only I could bring some cider home for family to try, it'll be great and he told me he'll pack them in a soft drink bottle for me so I can take some home. Should I accept the offer? Well, let's see what happens three weeks later.
Yahoo. The weekend is in reach and again I can't wait for this weekend.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Bristol Day 20

The real countdown begins. :) Exciting isn't it?
Well, just got back from dinner at 11pm and it is really late given it is a work day tomorrow.
Headed to Masa with Angela tonight for Tepanyaki. I consider myself heading back to familiar territory when I head there because I some what know most of the people there. At least by face but tonight we managed to exchange some email addresses etc. Angela and I ordered a simple tepanyaki menu, some Kirin beer and ended the meal with a complimentary plate of homemade peanut ice cream. No kidding. It was very nice and I wouldn't mind paying for such dessert.
My Italian colleague prepared some home-made dessert for our team and the tiramisu look-alike was definitely yummy. We call it Pinamisu - named after Pina. Mix the words up and another meaning comes alive.
This morning I walked out to the laundry to collect my clothes and wanted to deposit some dirty clothes for laundry but the chap wasn't open. I hope he hasn't run away with my clothes because that is going to be quite a loss for me. 7 pieces of clothing can help lessen the load but not worth it.
Again I count my days before I can sleep on my own bed. I just hope the air-con is cold enough so that I can enjoy my sleep back home. I miss the TV programs, the music I can listen to (versus watching Youtube) and the food I can savour. How many more days? I very often lose count. Still too many numbers but maybe not. I don't know.
Christmas is round the corner and I can see lots of people shopping here in Bristol. I too did start on my shopping but am controlling a bit because I didn't want to risk running an overweight luggage.
This Saturday I will be going for a date and then attending a boxing party at Adrian's place with a partner. I won'r reveal who this partner is but take a look at the photos and you can start guessing. :) I have to be in a suit and tie because it is a formal event. Adrian has made a booking for the hotel because it is going to be a little faraway and I won't make it back to the apartment on Saturday night thus Skype can only take place on Saturday when Sandy is in Desaru enjoying.
I will then take time to travel on Sunday along the countryside with Adrian and visit cider farms etc. I was told that the phone network isn't very good in that area thus do not get worried if you can't reach me on the phone. I will reach you when I return home by blog but I promise to try to call whenever possible.
So Beatrice is going away for a vacation to Macau for her birthday. I wonder if she'll win enough money to buy us all presents. :)
Off to sleep now as it is 1130 pm and in 15 minutes I will wake my darling wife up. Can't wait to do that in person by planting a kiss on her cheeks to say 'I love you'.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
共同渡過 - Leslie Cheung
I am very blessed to have a family that takes good care of me in every way. From the time I took my first steps and fell, family has been there for me. I know whenever I fall, someone will be there to break the fall so that it wouldn't hurt that bad.
I know not many people are as fortunate as me thus like the lyrics to the song, even if I have to live my life again, I will want to be witht the same family members around me. They have shown me all the support, care and love I can ever get and walking in difficult times, the support is priceless.
I believe family at home loves this song too.
Bristol Day 21

21 days to go and it sure seems long. Days are crawling by.
I didn't sleep well last night because I think I strained my back while sneezing. Ouch. It now hurts when I sneeze or cough. Arghh... need a massage. I heard there are pretty good masseuse at the back of my apartment. Should visit them this weekend to get a good rub. :)
It is Tuesday and I can't wait for the weekend so that I will be able to Skype with Sandy but then again, she is heading to Desaru for a day trip. Enjoying herself without me but it is good that she heads out for some fresher air. Maybe not. The air there might now be polluted.
I read that it has been raining cats and dogs in Singapore over the weekend but it has changed again. The weather is hot hot hot. I wonder if it is true but I am sure the weather is surely friendlier in Singapore than in the UK. See. Am turning English. Can't stop talking about the weather.
Am tuned in to Ugly Betty now as there isn't any nice movies to catch nowadays. Oh. They are showing Lethal Weapon 4 starring Jet Li. I kind of thought this was shown last week. Why are they showing again? Sigh.
I had KFC for lunch today and a 2 piece meal cost about 6 pounds. It's weird because they don't serve whipped potato here. Only fries but they too have pop corn chicken. According to my Italian colleague,KFC doesn't exist in Italy. I guess pizza hut might not be there too because every house is likely a pizza outlet. Haha.
Dinner was at Dynasty with Angela and family. We chose to go Chinese because Thomas and Chelsea will be heading to Milan tomorrow for a week's vacation, leaving Angela alone but she will join them for a trip to Scotland and leaving me alone. Or maybe not. :) So we ordered sweet and sour pork, bean sprouts with salted fish, roast duck and prawn omelette. It was a good meal but didn't come cheap. 60 pounds in all. No drinks as I am alcohol free at least for today but I am determined not to drink starting Friday.
I can't believe I am already planning my weekend so soon. Just thinking of it makes me smile. I will visit the casino, do some shopping and see what's good for lunch. Dinner has been planned and will tell you more about it on Sunday. Let's give you a hint. I will need to dress up in a suit for this dinner. I have a date.:) Hopefully no change to the appointment if not I'll be very disappointed. Very.
I spoke to Sandy today. Well,I do so everyday anyway and have spent 180 pounds just on phone calls now. Can't put in the receipts for calls. Darn! I kind of asked her to make sure she'll head down to Baya's place for dinner as the family misses her. Actually not true. It's just that I want her to join in family activities like mahjong. She wants many tons soup. Or maybe one ton soup. Ok. Wanton soup. Chefs reading this? How about making some stingray too? But don't. Wait for me to return before doing that. Maybe the chefs should practice the steam chicken one more time before I head home to eat the best one ever made. Patty chicken. :) Salivating here. But if the chefs can whip up some nice dish this weekend it will be good because my darling wife hasn't been eating well recently. No appetite. Sigh.
Let's hope Sandy can start eating lots again. When I see her I want to make sure the tummy is bigger. :)
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Bristol Day 22

The weather turned cold today and the forecast is that at 3am tomorrow morning it could be as low as -3 degrees. I don't think I am prepared for such temperature. I only have a fleece and a not very thick wind breaker. I certainly hope it will not rain because that is going to be worst.
I really wonder why people would ever want to migrate to this place. It doesn't have the best weather. Doesn't have the best transport system. Doesn't have the best retails opening hours and surely doesn't have the best Chinese food.
Don't blame me because I miss home and I am Chinese thus Chinese food is the best. Well, then again I think the food I miss isn't exactly Chinese food. It is the food of Singapore. BBQ sambal stingray without sambal, ice kachang, Hokkien Mee and Bak Kut Teh. These aren't Chinese food. They didn't originate from China. These are the food I truly miss. See, we Singaporeans do have an identity with food because we are Uniquely Singapore. :)
Work was hectic today and I started early and ended late. Another couple of weeks to go and hopefully things will be different back home. I can be my own little king in my own little castle. Nice ya?
If you asked me what I would miss in Bristol, I frankly don't know. The friends I made outside work? Adrian, Pang, Mimi and some other faces that I so often see at the pub and casino. And I don't know their names but they have shown hospitality by talking to me and getting to know me and sharing their stories.
Lunch was at White Hart, an English pub just behind the office where I had fish & chips and no beer because I had to return to work after lunch.
Dinner was Thai food at Yum Yum Thai and I was a little unusual because I ordered the same old Green Curry. I usually try new stuff but I just didn't bother because I don't fancy Thai food unless taken in Thailand or Golden Mile. Nevertheless, the green curry Was nice but again the price isn't worth it for a Green Curry. In Singapore, I could order three Green Curry and a Thai Iced Tea. Here they replace iced tea with Singha. Haha.
So I thought I could go alcohol free again but I had to stop over at Adrian's pub for a Cider because I know I'll miss the different types of beer here.